Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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TUES 24/3


Good Morning Year 1 laugh I hope you are all well and are continuing to work really hard at home for your grown ups. I have loved seeing the pictures you are sending me of all your learning at home. Your pictures  make me smile as I am missing you all (a lot!) and this shows me you are happy and healthy...please continue to send them to me! I am so glad you had lovely weather yesterday and the sun was shining  so could go outside in your gardens or for walks to get some fresh air. Remember to start your morning or find time during the day to  look at Joe Wicks , 'The Body Coach', and his online daily PE lesson. We did this in school yesterday and we all got very hot and sweaty! crying


Morning work: In your yellow books can you draw and label the following 2D shapes: 

1) circle    2) square     3) rectangle     4) triangle       5) hexagon     6) pentagon      7) octagon 


English:  As we have been researching all about Bengal tigers, can you research at home using the internet or books about what a Bengal tiger looks like. You could research things like what they weigh, their length, height, colour and features. You can have a grown up read the facts to you if you struggle to read them. You can also discuss the facts with your grown ups if you are unsure or have any questions. Write the interesting facts you find in your yellow home work books.


Maths: We have looked at weight in school so today we are going to revise this topic of our mathematical learning. Today find different things in your house and find which is the heaviest. This is easiest with foods in tins, bottles and packets as they have the weight displayed on the items (so you don't actually need to weigh them). Compare the weights using language such as heavier, lighter, less and more. You could take some photos and send them to me if you wish.


Phonics:  In your letters and sounds booklet, complete and record pages 11 and 12. You need to read the sounds aloud to your grown ups and tick them off if you get them correct. You can then record the date in the circles where it says to. There are some really great interactive games on the phonics play website for children to play and revise their phonetic skills. Currently the website is free for parents to sign up to if you log in using the user name : march20 and the password : home. 


Reading:  Make sure you read a book today or have a grown-up read you a story.  If you have read all your reading books from school, you can read some of the phonetically decodable comics online.These can be found at Try and remember to record all of your reading in your  diary so that we can see how much reading you have done when we come back to school. I can't wait to see how much reading you have done at home!


Art/Design: Produce a picture of a Bengal tiger using any materials you can find in your house. You could even be creative and draw your picture outside on the pavement uisng chalk. You can use the description of a Bengal tiger you wrote earlier to help you. When finished you could email a picture over to me of your finished tiger picture as I would love to see them! smiley

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