Please read with your child for 20 minutes each day. This could be a story book which you read, a phonics book which they read or a mixture of the two.
Oxford Owl have a library of free books which can be read on a phone or tablet.
Follow the link below and sign up yourself. You can then access a variety of books which are age-appropriate. Start on age 3-4 (Oxford Level 1) and work your way through as your child gets more confident.
This week we are going to be consolidating our phonics knowledge, ready for the return to schools next week.
We will be playing lots of games and completing activities around our previously-learnt sounds and putting them into the context of reading and writing.
Today, we are going to focus on reading and understanding words.
Go to phonicsplay.co.uk and login using the username ThythornEYFS and the password thythorn.
First go to Flashcards Speed Trial and complete all of Phase 2. Alternatively, you could select Pick Individual Graphemes and type in the single-letter sounds and the digraphs that we have learnt.
Then click on Buried Treasure.
Play the game a few times with different sounds that your child is finding challenging. They will need to read the words and then sort them into real and fake words.
Today we are going to be experimenting with different ways to make 9.
Watch the Numberblocks video below and then complete one of the following activities.
Blue and Green challenge: provide your child with 9 blocks/items/toys and allow them to experiment with different ways of separating the items into 2 groups. Can they tell you the number sentence that each represents (e.g. 4+5=9)?
Purple challege: provide your child with 9 toys/items/toys and allow them to experiment with differwnt ways of separating the items into 2 groups. Can they tell you the number sentence that each represents (e.g. 4+5=9)? Once you have done this, encourage them to separate the items into 3 groups and then think what number sentence what number this represents (e.g. 3+2+1=9).
This week, we are going to be conducting learning around one of my favourite books, Handa's Surprise.
Please watch the story below and talk to your child about what fruits and animals they see on Handa's journey.
Then ask them to design a fruit bowl full of their favourite fruits. Talk about the colours of the fruits and why they like these fruits. Are there any of the fruits from the story which they haven't tried before?
I have attached a template of a fruit bowl which you could print out for your child so that they can draw their fruits but they could also draw their own.
We are going to be doing some fruit tasting later in the week so it would be great if you could have a variety of fruit available to try, either from the story or other which your child hasn't tasted before.