Morning starter |
Maths |
20 mins independent reading |
Zoom learning clinic – 12 noon |
English |
Assembly |
Story |
Grammar |
Times tables |
Mental Maths warm up
Equivalent fractions |
History and development of canals double page spread (day 1)
Western power electricity safety zoom assembly 1pm |
The incredible adventures of Professor Branestawm
Wednesday slide |
► Morning Work
As on previous Wednesday's, we are going to warm up with some times tables work. You can log onto your TTRS account at any time, and if you are at home, this slot is ideal for it. For all of you, I have included some links to times tables games and a rapid recall sheet to complete.
► Mental starter
Blue challenge - complete up to question 4.
Green challenge - complete up to question 6.
Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below.
Today you are going to start a 'double-page spread' all about the history and development of canals. You have got two days (Wednesday and Thursday) to create your work.
Read through all the slides and information about canals on the pdf document below. It is the same information you had last week.
When creating your double page spread, be really creative with your presentation. The most important part is the information and facts. You can create 'lift the flaps', a mini quiz, draw diagrams with labels, write a structured set of paragraphs and add maps.
Please may I remind you that your presentation and handwriting is very important. This piece of work would take us 2 days in school, hence why I have set it over 2 days for remote learning. You need to take time to plan what you are going to write, how you are going to set it out and then draft and edit each part.
► 1.00pm Special Live Assembly
Western power electricity safety zoom assembly 1pm. The zoom link is posted below, please click on it ready for the assembly. It is a different link to the class link.
Your camera and mic will be automatically off and remain off - you will be able to view the assembly.