Here is today's timetable:-
CLASS: 3 Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster |
WEEK BEGINNING: 27/04/20 Wednesday Home Learning SUMMER TERM wk1 |
8.40 – 9.00 |
9.00 - 9.30 |
9.30 – 10.30 |
10.30 -10.50 |
10.50 - 12 |
12– 1 |
1.00 – 2.50 |
2.50-3.05 |
English skills – pronouns |
PE with Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube |
English/topic – Rainforest focus plant study |
Break |
Maths – problems Fractions |
Lunch |
Reading time (15mins) |
Times tables – TT rockstars |
Science – plant germination (Purple Mash) |
Class |
Can you remember pronouns from last week.
Write down 4 pronouns, remember they can replace a name.
Write a sentence using at least 2 of your pronouns.
Today I would like you to focus on Rainforest PLANTS
You can either read my pages below, or choose your own Rainforest plant to investigate and read about.
Write down 6 interesting facts/sentences - keep them safe, they will be included in our final information write up next week.
Check your plants!
1. Water them
2. Draw and write what the covered one looks like
3. Cover it back up