Yesterday you made words by using the suffix -ful . Today you are going to do the same but add the suffix -less to the root words. Read the words that you make and think about what they mean.
I've done the first one for you.
home --------> homeless
Now copy the sentences and decide which of the words you have made should go where the missing word is.
1. The big spider is __________.
2. The dinner was ___________.
3. I cleaned the room so it was _____________.
4. I'm not scared , I'm ________________.
5. My spelling was very _____________.
Today we are going to start learning about measuring using metres.
Watch the small video clips below to find out about metres.
1OO cm = 1m
1m = 100cm
1m is the same as 100cm
100cm is the same as 1m
If your grown-up has a tape measure in the house get them to show you how long a metre is.You can use the tape measure to help you. If you have not got a tape measure can your grown-up make something to represent the length of a metre. A piece of string , or a length of paper stuck together , anything to help you understand how long a metre is.
Use your metre to measure objects in your house and place them into groups . Record like below. Find at least 5 things for each group.
Can you answer these questions?
If 1m = 100 cm
2m = _______ cm
3m = _______ cm
6m = _______ cm
100cm = 1 m
400cm = ____ m
500cm = ____ m
How many centimtres are in half a metre?
Choose a book from Oxford Owl.
Click on the link below.
Go to my class login.
class name - best
class password - class
Then go to the book shelf and choose a book to read.
I think you have certainly earnt your Golden Time this week!
Easter Fun -If your grown-up has made you a hard boiled egg, you can decorate it or turn into a character by using felt tip pens and sticking bits and bobs on to it. There are a couple of ideas below.
Don't worry if you haven't got an egg ready , this is something you could do over the Easter holidays.
Other ideas for Golden Time.
Make an obstacle course in the garden.
Make up a puppet show with some of your toys.
Use a construction kit like lego.
Make a den using blankets over a table and get a torch to play with in your den.
Relax and watch a TV programme.
Go on Purple Mash (see details on class page)
Today's Riddle
Riddle - What has a bottom at the top?
Answer - Your legs!