Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Wednesday 3rd March



►Good Morning and today's timetable

New Recording - 02/03/2021, 19:03:43

Good morning Year 2!

►Well-being Wednesday

Today I would like you to think about how amazing you are ! 

Click on the link below and complete the task.

You can either print off the sheet or create your own version.

I would really like you to bring this into school on Monday.

Please make sure you use your best handwriting!


Today's English lesson follows the same format as the lessons last week , using a picture to promote discussion and thinking. Then making the 'sick' sentences better by improving them.

Follow the lesson instructions with Miss Shepherd.

Question Time( discuss your ideas with an adult , no writing needed for this part of the lesson)

How is this library different from a normal library?

What are you favourite types of books?

If you could choose for one of your books to come alive, which one would it be and why?

If you could be a character in a book, who would you like to be?

If you were to borrow every single book from your local library, would it still be a library?

What do you think makes a great book?


Sick sentences. The writing part of the lesson.

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help?

Improve the sentences. Can you include four adjectives and these two adverbs , carefully and happily?


Lucy sat in the chair. She liked the library. Books went around the big library like flying books. There was piles of books on the floor.


Make sure you take time this week to practise your spellings.

Spellings for this week. Test on Friday 5th March

Blue (Year 1 common exception words)

me  we  he  she  be   go   no   so   his    her

Green and purple 

Words that have the  ly suffix.

softly   loudly   slowly   proudly   nicely   quickly   crossly   madly    sadly    neatly

5 challenge words

quietly     anxiously     happily    silently     smoothly


1 - Join in with the maths starter.

2 - Watch the teaching video.

3 - Complete the maths questions.

Blue - 1 to 4

Green- Try and complete all the questions.

Purple - All questions and have a go at the challenge.

4 - Want to stretch your maths brain further? Have a go at the maths challenge.

Click below for the maths starter.

Find a half



This lesson continues from last week.

Today the lesson is about linking rolls and balances.


Click on the link below and follow the science lesson.

The lesson looks at microhabitats and goes on to show you how to make a bug hotel.

If you haven't got a plastic bottle you could still go outside (with an adult) and collect sticks and leaves etc to make a bed for insects and small creatures to use.

It shows you how to do this in the lesson.



There are lots of authors and illustrators on YouTube reading and sharing their books for World Book Day's 10 Minute Story Sharing. (always ask a grown-up to help you search for things on YouTube)

I've chosen one for today's story.

World Book Day's 10 Minute Story Sharing: Jonny Duddle

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