Year 5 – Wednesday 20th January 2021 |
Morning starter |
Maths |
20 mins independent reading |
English |
Story |
Grammar |
RE |
French |
Times tables |
Mental Maths warm up
Divide 3 digits by 1 digit |
Plan and begin to write and edit a PREQUEL for Stig of the Dump.
Stig of the Dump Chapter 8 (part 2)
Wednesday slide |
Parables |
Birthday |
► Morning Work
As on last Wednesday, we are going to warm up with some times tables work. You can log onto your TTRS account at any time, and if you are at home, this slot is ideal for it. For all of you, I have included some links to times tables games and a rapid recall sheet to complete.
►Mental Starter
Blue challenge - complete up to question 5.
Green challenge - complete all questions.
Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below
Today we are going to think about and begin to write a prequel (something that comes before) for Stig of the Dump. You will draft and write notes, answering questions about the back story of Stig - where he came from, how long he has been in the dump, how did he get there? Then you will organise your ideas into sequence of events in a story board.
Please watch the whole of the video carefully as that sets out the ideas and clear expectations.