Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Here is the line up for today Year 3...


Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster

WEEK BEGINNING:  11/05/20   Tues  Home Learning SUMMER TERM wk4

8.40 – 9.00

9.00 - 9.30

9.30 – 10.30

10.30 -10.50

10.50 - 12

12– 1

1.00 – 2.50


Maths skills –

4 & 8 times tables


PE with

Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube

Maths –

X TO by O


English/topic – The Vanishing Rainforest


 Reading time (15mins)

 Art –Henri Rousseau

spelling rules with Supermovers


Maths warm up - practise 4 and 8 times tables write the answers on a piece of paper and spread them around the room. Try to find the right answer for ones that are called out by someone (or yourself!)

MATHS - Week 4 - Lesson 2 - Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit

ENGLISH - Today we will continue to read 'The Vanishing Rainforest' 

Please read carefully to page 13 (ending with ....with their guns) It might be a good idea to reread yesterday's pages. 

When you have finished reading, I would like you to answer the following questions:-


1. What does Remaema's Uncle bring back with him? 

2. Why is Moawa (Remaema's Uncle) helping the strangers? 

3. What are the strangers doing that the Amazonians do not like? Why? 

4. Why do you think everyone started arguing when Moawa returned from the Nabe? 

5. What does Grandad feel is the main problem with the strangers actions? 

6. Name 2 foods that have been destroyed from the forest by the Nabe.

7. I would call the Nabe cheats - am I right to say this? Why?

ART - this is the 2nd lesson for creating your Diorama 3D Rainforest creation. 

Look back at the ideas from last week and consider what you could add to you 3D work. You can use real plant materials e.g. grass and twigs to make it look realistic! 

Link to last weeks lesson ideas....

Danny the Champion of the World

Chapter 4 - 2nd half (the chapters are quite long!)

School Updates

