Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Friday 24.9.21

Morning work:

On a piece of paper, can you practice all your numbers to 10? If that's too easy, can you write your numbers to 20? 


Today in phonics we are going to be looking at Year 1 sight words (tricky words). Please watch the video below and write down on a piece of paper how many you can remember. 


Today we are finishing our work on Paddington, so today we are going to write a book review about the story.Please have a go at the worksheet below.


Today in Maths we are going to be looking again at the the < > and = symbols. Please watch the white rose video and complete the worksheet below.

A squash and a squeeze after lunchtime story

Golden time 


On a Friday afternoon in Year 1 we have GOLDEN TIME! laugh

Play, be creative, make things, dress up, tell jokes and let your imagination run wild.

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