Good Morning Year 1
I hope you all had a fabulous day yesterday and managed to complete some super work with your grown-ups. I just wanted to mention, I am loving the beautiful pictures of your topic work from yesterday, some of you could be garden designers in the future!
Yesterday, as the weather was cloudy George and Lola, decided to play hide and seek inside the house. Geoge was very good at it and it took Lola a long time to find him.
Phonics: In your letters and sounds booklet please complete page 25. You have to read the sentences and questions to your grown-ups.
There are some great interactive games on the phonics play website for children to play and revise their phonetic skills. Currently, the website is free for parents to sign up to if you log in using the user name: march 20 and the password: home. I am pleased that so many of you in your email updates have been saying you have been accessing the phonics play website, well done!
You could also play some different phonics games at http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/literacy.html
English: Today we are going to be looking at our story for some of the term. It is called 'The tiny seed' by Eric Carle.Today I would like you to watch the video of the story being read aloud and talk about the story with your Grown-ups. I would like you to think about what happend first? What heppend next? What happened after that? What happened at the end of the story?
After this, I would like you in your yellow books to draw pictures for what happens in the story in the correct sequenced order based on the discussion you have had with your grown-ups.
Here's the video, I hope you like the story!
Reading: Make sure you read a book today or have a grown-up read you a story. If you have read all your reading books from school, you can read some of the phonetically decodable comics online.These can be found at www.phonicsplaycomics.co.uk.
Also David Walliams (A well known childrens author) has given you the opportunity every day to reveice a short audio book from his collection of short stories from his book 'The World’s Worst Children!' You can access these at : https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
These are uploaded after 11am daily, but you can still access the earlier ones of you go on before then.
Maths starter: Our starter today is about counting in groups of 10. To warm our brains up and to practice, I would like you to watch this short video and sing/dance and join in with the counting.
Maths: Today I would like you to practice your counting in 5s again. I have had a few emails from your grown ups saying that you are really good at counting in 10s but need more practice with counting in 5s.
Today we are going to be refreshing our brains aboout how to count in 5s, from 0 up to 50, and the pattern you can see when counting in 5s. To do this we are going to be watching two videos and completing two activies to help your understanding of counting in 5s.
Grown-ups if you wanted to on the website we are going to be learning from today there is a downloadable PDF file that gives you some guidance about todays lesson. If you don't need it that's super but it is there incase you want to have a look.
To access today's learning go to : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhfjqp3
I woul like you to watch both video A and video B before completing the activities.
After you have watched the videos can you practise counting in 5s, making it as practical as possible (we have done somehting like this before so you don't need to spend too long on this task)
Here are some suggestions for how you can do this, using whatever you have available in the house.
Sort objects into fives and then practice counting them one group of five at a time. You could use marbles, plastic blocks or dried pasta.
Draw groups of five objects and count them aloud.
Create fingerprints or handprints in groups of five and count aloud, one group of five at a time.
Wave five fingers as you count aloud.
After you have done this, please complete the worksheet that you can also download and copy into your yellow books. This is all about counting 5s, just to put into practice what you have learnt in the lesson today.
Bonus maths work: For all you keen mathematicians (and I know there is a few of you!) Carol Vorderman has now made her activities free to home learners too! Aren't we lucky! Make sure you access the explorer level which is for Key stage 1 children.
Create a login, then access the parent zone or pupil zone for maths topics, games and fun! There's plenty of virtual rewards and you can keep a track on how you are doing.
Or you can play some interactive maths games on the ictgames website. https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/
Art: Today for our Art lesson we are going to be looking again at a famous painting of some flowers.
I would like you to research the artist Vincent Van Gogh using the internet or books and find out more about him. Below Miss Martin has put some information just in case you can not find any. I would like you to look at his painting called 'Sunflowers' that was painted in 1884 and try to copy it the best you can. You could use paints, chalk, crayons, pencil crayons, felt tips or anything you have at home to create your picture. You can do this in your Yellow books or on a separate sheet of paper if you have any at home.
I would really love to see your finished Artwork! Don't forget to send me an email with a picture of it!
End of the day story: The story I have chosen today is one that I don't think we have read before in class, it is called 'Doing the animal bop' by Jan Ormerod and Lindsey Gardiner.