Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Monday 13.9.21


Today we are going to be looking at a phoneme spotting story called 'The seeds in her teeth'. The phoneme we are going to be spotting is 'ee'. You could print the below document ans use a pen to highlight the 'ee' phonemes you can spot or download the document and talk it through with your grown up and point to the 'ee' phonemes if you want to.


Today we are going to be looking at the 'ow' digraph in our lesson today. Please watch the Geraldine giraffe video below and join in if you can. After the video, you could go on a hunt around your house for 'ow' sounds in objects.

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /ow/


Today we are going to be looking at punctuation. We are going to be looking at fullstops and where they should go within our writing. Please watch the video below and have a go at the worksheet on a piece of paper.

The Capital Letters and Full Stops Song


Today in Maths we are going to be looking at writing the number names for the digits 0-10. Please practcie writing these on a piece of paper or have a look at the below worksheet.

The gruffalo's child after lunchtime story

Handwriting practice:


Today in our Handwriting lesson we are going to be looking at letter families. These are groups of letters that are formed in the same way. The first letter we are going to be looking at is the letter d, this comes from the curly caterpillar letter family.


Please complete the worksheets below and if you would like to practice the letter d and it's formation please access the letter join website by following these instructions: 


click on the following link to access the website: 

The log in is as follows, username : tfps_2     password: thythorn2

(Please note there are no capitals in the password or the log in)


Once on the letter join website, please click on easy letters and you will see in the scrolling menu at the bottom letters, please watch how the letter d is formed and then have a go on screen using your mouse.

Handwriting letter D


Today in our topic learning we are going to be looking at Towns vs the Countryside and looking at the similarities and differences between them. Please look through the presentation below and complete the activities within the presentation.

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