Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Foundation Stage , Year 1 and Year 2

Well - being- recognising different emotions

Today we are thinking about  different emotions. Emotions are feelings.

Watch the programme about some of the different emotions we can have.

Discuss them with your grown-up. You might be able to think of times when you have felt the same emotions.




Draw some of your own faces to show different emotions. The picture below will help you.

Amazing Australia

This week we have learnt about some different Australian animals , the platypus , the koala , the kookaburra and the kangaroo but there are many more.

Read through the powerpoint with a grown-up to find out about some other Australian animals , it also includes some animals that we have already learnt about.

All children - talk about which animal is your favourite one and why you like it the best.

Year 1 and 2 - You could choose a different animal and make another fact sheet about it.

Outdoor Learning. Two activities that all children will enjoy.

Golden Time

Every Friday we have Golden time in school. We can choose what we would like to do , we do things like dressing up , playing a game , using the construction toys , colouring and sticking ,  relaxing in the reading corner and looking at books , playing with the animals etc.

Have your own Golden Time at home ! What will you do?


ACTIVITY FOR GOLDEN TIME  yessmileyblushwink

Can't decide what to do?

Why not try this challenge?

Can you find an item in your house for every letter of the alphabet?

You could draw pictures or make a display.



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