Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Our Egyptian Settler's highlights

This page is to help you remember and show you all the wonderful moments, teaching and learning we have had this term. 


I know we couldn't have our exhibition Year 4, but I have put this together so you can share the learning with your grown ups... 


Settlers - Needs/Wants

Atlases and map work

Understanding continents and oceans

The Disgusting and Gruesome Digestion Experiment

Burps and Farts experiment

The Eggcellent Egg (TEETH) Eggperiment

All About The River Nile

Archeologists in the playground - Howard Carter

Mummifying tomatoes! (Gross!)

Drawing hieroglyphics in clay

Thank you for your AMAZING work this term! 

I am so proud of you all! 


Miss Kaur 

Examples of children's work through the term!

School Updates

