Certainly the most challenging brainteaser yet.
'What begins with an e, and ends with an e but has only one letter?'
A number of you guessed words like 'eye' and 'eve'.....these words do begin and end in e but have more than one letter.
This was a word play riddle.... the letter I was talking about was not an alphabet letter but a paper letter.
So the answer was envelope as this contains a letter!!!!!
Congratulations to Charlotte (with her sister's help) who was first of 8 correct answers!
An adverb is simply a word that describes a verb (an action or a doing word).
They come before or after a verb.
He quickly ate his lunch.
He ate his lunch quickly.
Adverbials do the same job as adverbs. They are phrases instead of single words.
He ate his lunch as quick as a flash. - (notice this adverbial phrase is a simile)
They come before or after a verb.
As quick as a flash, he ate his lunch.
He ate his lunch as quick as a flash.
Fronted Adverbials
Fronted adverbials are adverbs or adverbial phrases that go at the beginning of a sentence and describe the verb (action) that follows.
In the blink of an eye, the storm clouds gathered!
There are different types of fronted adverbial that can be used to change the description of the action in a sentence. These include fronted adverbials of:
Fronted adverbials are followed by a comma.
Now it's your turn to have a go at writing some sentences with fronted adverbials.
Click below and try and write a sentence for each picture. Each sentence must follow the challenge given. You can write the sentences in your exercise book.
We have learnt about how plants reproduce, how they are important as food for animals and how all food chains begin with a plant.
How would the world be different if plants (small or large) disappeared?
Plants are not only important food sources for animals (including humans) they are homes for animals and they produce the air that we breathe. Without plants the World would not survive.
Are plants and trees in danger from humans?
Watch the films below...
So, what could you do in your little bit of the World to help plants and animals?
Watch the films below for some things you could do...
Thursday is our PE Day.
Today I challenge you to learn to juggle.
You will need
What to do
Watch the video below. Have a go. If you succeed, film it and show me
Listening to someone read a story is a great way to relax and unwind.
We are lucky that, at the moment, we have some fantastic stories being read by famous people and excellent story-tellers that are wonderful to enjoy.
Choose a story from below to listen to. Choose somewhere to relax and enjoy it.
David Walliams is sharing his stories and they are funny...
SPELLINGS - practise your spelling list that you made on Monday
BOOK COVER CHALLENGE - Let's all rise to the challenge and make our book cover.....come on, give it a go...Year 5 and Year 6! Email me your pics.