Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Good morning Year 3! 

Thanks to Charlie and Bella for messaging, it is lovely to hear about your work. 

Here is the timetable for today:-


Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster

WEEK BEGINNING:  20/04/20             Wednesday

 Home Learning SUMMER TERM wk1

8.40 – 9.00

9.00 - 9.30

9.30 – 10.30

10.30 -10.50

10.50 - 12

12– 1

1.00 – 2.50


English  skills – pronouns


PE with

Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube

English/topic – information reading and discussion


Maths – Equivalent Fractions


 Reading time (15mins)

 Times tables –

TT rockstars

Science – parts of a plant


ENGLISH/TOPIC - The layers of the Rainforest. Look at the image and read the information about each layer, also you can read further information if you click on the link. We will be writing and drawing about this tomorrow. But today I want you to discuss the 4 layers with someone and jot down 3 things about each layer (draft notes). Keep these safe ready for tomorrow.

READING TIME (15mins) make sure you think about the book you have read and if you understand it. Remember you can use Oxford Owl

I have included a document that I think you can make yourself! On an A5 page (half a piece), draw a plant with each of the 4 parts. Now on another piece the same size, create the 4 flaps to show each of the 4 parts. I would like you to add a description of each of the 4 parts if you can e.g. roots; absorbs water and.....??

Story time! What will happen to the foxes this time?

Chapter 12 Badger part 1....

part 2...

School Updates

