Our Timetable for the Day
CLASS: 3 Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster |
WEEK BEGINNING: 23/03/20 Wednesday 25th Home Learning wk1 |
8.40 – 9.00 |
9.00 - 9.30 |
9.30 – 10.30 |
10.30 -10.50 |
10.50 - 12 |
12– 1 |
1.00 – 2.50 |
2.50-3.05 |
Maths Fluency |
PE with Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube |
Maths – Tenths – counting in tenths |
Break |
English - writing gathering ideas |
Lunch |
Reading time (15mins) |
Grammar skills – adverbs |
D&T/Topic - Roman Baths |
Class |
Maths Fluency
Count in 10's from 0-300
Count in 20's from 200 to 500
Count in 5's from 175 to 350
Count in 50's from 25 to 525!