Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Friday 12th



I could not be more proud of what you have all achieved over the last half term.  It has been very trying and difficult at times for each of us for many different reasons.  We are all missing being in the classroom, able to work as a team, but we will be back there soon.  In the meantime, thank you to all of you for your enthusiasm with all that we have done this half term and please do say thank you to your adults at home/in the classroom too, as they have been working incredibly hard to support us all in everything we've done.

So, you now have a week to get away from screens, do something different.  I'm not under any illusion that you will have Xbox/Playstation time, but please get outside, play board games, make some playdoh/slime, do a drawing/painting, do some baking, help with a cleaning or tidying task.  I have put some suggestions of outdoor and non screen activities, please do have a look through them for ideas.

Year 5 – Friday 5th February 2021

Morning starter



20 mins independent reading



Zoom group activity – 1pm





PE – Les Mills dance session

Mental Maths warm up


Add fractions

Day 4 of a writing project about Cave elves (Talk 4 Writing)


The Return of the Killer Cat - Anne Fine

Friday slide

Friday flashback quiz

Fake news quiz – safer internet



► P.E.

The following videos, from Go Noodle Fresh start Fitness will get you up and ready for the day.  Watch them in order as the first one will warm up all your muscles and then you'll get your heart rate up with the next one.

Pump It Up - Fresh Start Fitness | GoNoodle

Full Speed - Fresh Start Fitness | GoNoodle




        ► Mental starter

Add fractions

Mrs Dunford explains the work further.

Blue challenge - complete questions 1 - 3.

Green challenge - complete questions 1 - 5.

Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below.




It is a very exciting day today!  It is writing day.  All the preparation you have being doing this week will come together in your final piece of writing - your information text for 'The Ultimate Guide to Elves and Sprites'.  

Use your plan and structure from yesterday, I will be looking across both pieces of work to see that you have use your plan to inform your final piece.  Once you have written your piece, do not assume that this is finished.  You need to edit your work (as we would do in school).  

1.  Check you have included all the paragraphs that you planned.

2.  Check presentation and handwriting is joined and neat, the best quality you can produce.

3.  Check spellings - use a dictionary or an online spell checker.

4.  Check punctuation - Capital letters (for sentences, proper nouns), full stops, question marks (rhetorical questions), exclamation marks.

5.  Check and improve your vocabulary choices - make sure you have used your magpie words grid to include fronted adverbials and exciting adjectives.

I look forward to reading your work once you've uploaded it to Seesaw.

Mrs Dunford talks you through the expectations for today.



The Return of the Killer Cat - by Anne Fine








► I.C.T.

This week marks 'Safer Internet Day' and lots of you took part in the live lesson from the BBC on how to stay safe, responsible and wise in an increasingly digital world.

I would like you to continue that work this afternoon with a informative and thoughtful quiz about fake information and fake news on the internet.  You can play it on your own, but it is more fun and interactive if you have a sibling or parent to play with.  Follow the link and let me know how you get on.

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