Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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MON 23/3

MONDAY 23/3/20

Today's lessons are set out below. There are sound clips to click on and videos to help you. You will also need the things in your folder and pens, pencils and rulers. Do your best work and email me if you need help or want to share anything . yes

Monday's welcome - click to hear

> Wake Me Up Workout
> Maths
> Reading Comprehension
> Topic - History
> Story
> WAKE ME UP WORKOUT - click below live at 9am

Warm -Up

In your folder please find your Home Learning Pack Year 5
Please do Column 1 Roman Numerals


Ask a grown-up to check or you mark your work using the answers below.

Main Maths Lesson

Today's focus is on mental addition and subtraction. Find the worksheet called Mental addition and subtraction Sheet 1 in your folder. It looks like this:

Click to watch lesson help

Copy and complete the calculations in the exercise book in your folder; at the Maths end of the book. If you can do them mentally write them as number sentences. If you prefer, calculate them using a column method.


Ask a grown-up to check or you mark your work using the answers below.

The reading comprehension we are going to be doing today is called 'The Word Party'. It is on Pages 2 and 3 of The KS2 English Comprehension Book in your work folder. Please find it and read the text. Click below if you wish to hear me read it to you.

The Word Party - click to hear it read to you

Now have a go at answering the questions. You can write directly into the Comprehension booklet. Use a highlighter, if it helps, to highlight text; just as you do in school.

Click to hear the questions read to you

Click to hear some tips to help you

Ask a grown-up to check your answers or photograph your answers and email them to me to have a look.
We have learned in school how huge changes happened in Britain during Victorian times. Let's learn about Queen Victoria. Watch the video below.

Queen Victoria kept a diary and collected photographs.

In your exercise book that is in your folder; in the English end of the book I would like you to write a diary entry for today 23/3/20. It is an historic day: children working at home; schools closed; the Coronavirus outbreak. Write a diary entry capturing what is going on in your life and in the World right now. Write something that you will be able to look back on and share with people in the future.
Now borrow or use your phone and take a special photo - a photo that sums up this historic day - maybe you could email it to me to share?

Sometime before you go to bed find 10-15 minutes to read a book...somewhere quiet. Record it in your orange Reading Diary.

School Updates

