Today we are talking about Christmas around the world.
Below is a story which is about the food that people eat in different countries.
Read the story together and then use the Christmas dinner cutting and sticking activity to create your child's perfect Christmas dinner.
Today we are practising our handwriting.
Select some letters which your child has learnt and that they are finding challenging to write.
Encourage them to practise writing each one 10 times.
There are videos on Tapestry (search Phonics of the Week) which model the letter formation rhymes that we teach.
Then ask your child to sound out and write words which contain these sounds.
Today we are thinking about how 10 is one less than 9.
First count backwards from 10 a few times.
Explain that one less means the number that is one smaller or the number that comes next if we are counting backwards.
Ask your child for one less than a variety of numbers up to 10. Encourage them to put up the amount of fingers and then put one down if they cannot work it out in their head.