Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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For any children isolating at home due to COVID-19 related issues, home learning will be provided here daily; closely matched to the learning taking place in school. Paper copies can be provided on request. For families that have no access to technology we may be able to loan a Kindle Fire tablet in addition to paper copies.

When accessing the work look out for:

BLUE WORK - back 1 step challenge

GREEN WORK - regular challenge

PURPLE WORK - forward 1 step challenge

These levels of differentiation, for some pieces of learning, will ensure that your child can access teaching and learning that is pitched correctly for them. If you are not sure which colour to do then please email Ms Hadland.

Please share your learning on Seesaw each day. A teacher will make contact by email and phone with each child/family periodically to discuss the learning.
If you have any questions or queries then please email:

If your child is well enough to work from home, in addition to any dated work tasks listed in a link above, or if you prefer hard copies of workbooks that may have been given e.g. CGP books, for the days/week your child is ill/isolating - you can also use your login details to practise, rehearse, revisit, retrieve and revise any prior learning or discover new things!


  • Times Tables Rockstars (Maths)
  • Numbots (Maths)
  • Language Angels (French)
  • Purple Mash (all areas of the curriculum)
  • You can contribute to the Y6 Padlet page for book reviews or for sharing new vocabulary
  • You can share home learning about any theme, or topic of interest, on the Y6 Seesaw page.

School Updates

