Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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WEEK 2/11




To receive feedback on your learning please email your class teacher each day with a message as to how you got on. If you attach work or include photos of work they will be able to see how you got on.


If you would like Mr Smyton to see as well then please email him too:









On a piece of paper can you write down as many of the words as you can remember. Can you add sound buttons? Get your grown up to read them and you write them down to test your robot arm blending and segmenting skills.


On a piece of paper can you write down as many of the words as you can remember. Can you add sound buttons? Get your grown up to read them and you write them down to test your robot arm blending and segmenting skills.

On a piece of paper can you write down as many of the words as you can remember. Can you add sound buttons? Get your grown up to read them and you write them down to test your robot arm blending and segmenting skills.





Shakespeare in school: 


On 20 November 2020, hundreds of casts from every corner of the UK will take part, together, in one unique night of theatre in their schools. We’ll show the world how our children and our schools are the best hope for the future. With the UK’s theatres closed, Coram SSF will bring theatre to your school and keep creativity and drama on the agenda this autumn.


With this in mind, Year 1 are going to be spending two weeks in the run up to this date looking at Shakespeare and performing a movement piece to one of his works. We have chosen 'The tempest' because it links into our topic of islands and exploring very well especially in Act 1.


As we are focusing on the storm from the play, look at the storm picture below and write a description of what you can see using adjectives. Remember to use full stops and capital letters in your sentences too.

Today we are going to complete a piece of drama based around the sounds you can hear in the video clip below. Play the video clip of a storm at sea and think about how you might move your body if you were on the ship at sea. Would it be slow movements or fast movements? How would you move your arms and legs? Would it be smooth or jerky movements? Have a go and experiment different movements with your grown up to help you.



► PE
► RE
Today we are going to be looking at the celebration of bonfire night and why we celebrate it the way we do. We will also be looking at bonfire safety and how to keep safe around fireworks. Please look through the powerpoint and complete the worksheet. There is also some firework art if you would like to have a go at home with your grown-ups.

School Updates

