Good Morning Year 1
I hope you all had a fabulous day yesterday and managed to complete some super work with your grown-ups. I just wanted to mention, I absolutely loved to see the videos and pictures of you all yesterday via SEESAW.
ZOOM TODAY at 11am - 11.45am
This will be a 'social/well-being meeting' where you can all come along and have a chat to eachother, we will play some games and maybe have a dance or a go noodle too! It would be really nice if as many of you as possible came along to join the meeting as I am sure your friends would love to see you. Please bring along something that you can show me and your friends as we will begin our meeting with a show and tell.
I can't wait to see you all there for a chat and some fun!
In the video below Miss Martin and George are talking you through a phonics lesson just like the ones we have in school. In the video Miss Martin and George will introduce you to a new phase 5 sound each day and re-cap the phase 3 and 4 flashcards. For the lesson you will need either a whiteboard and pen or a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Enjoy!
In English today I would like you to become book critics and write a book review of the story 'Emma Jane's aeroplane'. This is your chance to be honest about what you think about the story, do you like it? why? do you not like it, why? What is your favorite part? all these questions you will be answering today. Please find the templates below for the book reviews. The video from yesterday is also below for you to watch again if you would like to before completing the task for today.
BLUE WORK - back 1 step challenge
GREEN WORK - regular challenge
PURPLE WORK - forward 1 step challenge
These levels of differentiation, for some pieces of learning, will ensure that your child can access teaching and learning that is pitched correctly for them. If you are not sure which colour to do then please email your teacher.
Today in science we are going to be looking at classifying groups. We are going to continue our learning by learning about birds and reptiles.
Below is a video explanantion of what a bird and a reptile are and how we can classify and identify them, this is read by Miss Martin, but also attached as a document below so you can have another look if you wish to. There is a worksheet attached below about birds and reptiles for you to complete today too.
On a Tuesday afternoon, we usually take some time to allow the children some quiet reading time where they can choose to read any book they wish from the classroom or their own school reading books. Whilst this is happening the staff will change their reading books. Please allow your child some time this afternoon to sit quietly and enjoy a book they wish to read independently.
If you have read all your reading books from school, you can read some phonetically decodable comics online. These can be found at Decodable comics (phonicsplaycomics.co.uk) or you could access the Oxford Owl website which is an ebook library where you can choose from the ages 4 - 7 or 7 - 9 for reading. You can log in by :
username : best
password : class
Click here to take you to the website : Oxford Owl for School and Home
If you would like to change your school reading books, please email Miss Martin and we can arrange a day and time that is suitable to come and drop your old books off and to collect some new ones.