Foundation Stage- In the story there are three goats, a small goat , a medium goat and a big goat.
Today you are going to choose a different animal and draw a small one , a medium one and a big one.
You can label your pictures and even write a sentence about what they like.
Look at Miss Shepherd's example below. (Your animal can be different to mine)
Year 1 and Year 2- Continue writing your story today. You might need to go back to Thursday's page to look at the word mats.
You should have got up to the part when the middle sized goat is about to cross the bridge.Try and make your ending exciting. You might need to use some exclamation marks! You can even change the ending if you want to.
Remember it is really important to read as much as you can.
Choose a book to read from Oxford Owl
Click on the link below
Go to
My Class Login
My class name - best
My class password - class
Then go to
My Bookshelf
Choose the appropriate age
(Year 2 , if you have read all the 6-7 years then have a look at 7 - 8 years)
Remember you can listen to the text at the same time by clicking audio.
This week the music programme is about the didgeridoo.
This a musical instrument developed by the Aboriginal people of Northern Australia.
Click on the link below.
Golden Time
Every Friday we have Golden time in school. We can choose what we would like to do , we do things like dressing up , playing a game , using the construction toys , colouring and sticking , relaxing in the reading corner and looking at books , playing with the animals etc.
Have your own Golden Time at home ! What will you do?
An idea for Golden Time. Make an obstacle by drawing it with chalk. Look below at some examples.
The children who live on my street did one of these on the pavement. It was great fun!