Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 18.1.22

Morning work:

On a piece of paper can you write down as many words as you can that have the sound 'Qu' in.



Today we are going to be looking at the 'y' sound in our lesson today. Please watch the  video below and join in if you can.


In English today, we are going to be using what we learnt yesterday about question marks to write some questions we would like to ask supertato. You can then get your grown up to pretend to be supertato and ask them the questions to see their answers.


you might ask things like:

"How did you become a superhero?" 

"Why did you trap the evil pea in the jelly?" 

"Who is your favourite veggie?"



Today in Maths we are going to be adding by making ten. Please watch the white rose video and complete the activity in the video below. This is a practical activity lesson.

Science :

Today we are going to be looking at the senses and the parts of the body associated with them. Please watch the videos below and then using the sheet below go on a senses hunt around your house for things you can hear, see,smell, touch and taste. You can draw them in the boxes on the sheet and add captions if you wish to.


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