Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Wednesday 6th May 2020

Here we are again; middle of the week!

Before you know it the weekend will be here again wink

On Friday I am going to post something on our webpage to keep us focused and hopefully bring a smile to our faces - make sure you check.


Let's start the day with Fluent in Ten 

PE With Joe | Wednesday 6th May

Maths: Lesson 3 - Problem Solving

See if you can unpick the maths, work out which operations and strategies are needed to do the correct calculations, and successfully solve the problem.


Complete one of the reading tasks in your CGP book - you can choose.


Read the PowerPoint below to remind yourself about main clauses and subordinate clauses, fronted adverbials and embedded clauses. Follow the instructions and tasks.

When completed, return to the text you used earlier today for your reading comprehension, or your reading book, identify 5 subordinate clauses used in the text but re-write another main clause to go with it.

You can make it as sensible or hilarious as you like.

Can you now add additional detail to your new sentence so that you have an embedded clause. Refer to your blue CGP study if you need some examples or further explanation.

This afternoon I would like you to use some of your PSHE skills and carefully consider the pros and cons of 'school versus home-school learning!'

In the clip below, ideas are given for you to consider both for and against. Home-schooling is now very real for school children all over the world so you will need to change the questions to the present tense - it is happening now!

A few months ago some of you may have heard of home-schooling but did not really know what children did at home all day. For most home-school education a school would not provide the lessons, parents would have to find activities and decide what they wanted to teach you.

Think about your personal, social, health and emotional needs and sensitively evaluate 'what's working well' and how things could be 'even better if' … you can use some of your balanced argument writing skills from last week to help with this writing.

You can present your work however you wish but I do need good sentence structures and justified reasons for your statements, facts and opinions.




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