Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Good morning Year 3! 

I hope yesterday went well for you and you managed to do the work I set. The more you can try to do now, the better it will be for when we return to school! Keep going! 

Here is today's timetable...


Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster

WEEK BEGINNING:  04/05/20   Tues  Home Learning SUMMER TERM wk3

8.40 – 9.00

9.00 - 9.30

9.30 – 10.30

10.30 -10.50

10.50 - 12

12– 1

1.00 – 2.50


Maths skills – 5  & 50   more/less


PE with

Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube

Maths – adding money


English/topic – further Rainforest information writing


 Reading time (15mins)

 Art –Henri Rousseau





5 more and less

50 more and less 

Choose 10 numbers between 50 and 1000

Work out what would be 5 more and less than each number and also 50 more and less than each number.

MATHS - Week 3 - Lesson 2 - Add money

Click below for today's questions and answers (only for checking!)

ENGLISH - Continuing with RAINFOREST information booklet writing. 


Today you will write your first chapter which you should have planned yesterday. It might be e.g. the layers of the Rainforest. Last week's writing will help with this! Decide on layout and presentation as well as the important information. If you want you can write more than one chapter today, but a lot of tomorrow will be for completing this booklet. 

Here is an example of well presented information writing and an idea of what to include in your work:-


Art - Rainforest Diorama

Last week in our art lesson we created our own Rainforest design using inspiration from Henri Rousseau. You might want to look back at last Tuesday for ideas of plants and creatures that can be included. 

Today I would like you to begin to create a RAINFOREST DIORAMA - that is a 3D model of a Rainforest. 

We will be creating this today AND NEXT TUESDAY! So don't rush it and finish today! 

The best way to start is to find a box, a shoe box is best! 

Next have your design from last week nearby. 

Now begin to create the interior walls of your Rainforest. 

Begin to create hanging and 3D parts for your model. 

Next week you can add to these and add in real plants and stones etc. 

Here are some great examples to inspire you...



Danny the Champion of the World - chapter 2

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