Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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WEEK 22/2

Zoom Meetings

Sometimes you may be invited to a Zoom session to go over something specific. These are not shown on this page but you will have been notified on Seesaw.

Links to meetings will be sent to you on Seesaw.

Tuesday 23rd February 10am

Reading focus- Bring a reading book or a favourite book to share and read.

Depending on the number of children we have at the session I may put you into groups.

Please be prepared to wait until I let you into the session.


Thursday 25th February 11am

Maths focus multiplication (2s , 5s and 10s)

This session will benefit those children who need a little extra practise.

 In this session we will go over multiplication and the 2,5 and 10 times tables.

Please bring something to write with and your maths brain!


To receive feedback on your learning please share your work with your class teacher throughout the day on Seesaw.

Email:  Miss Shepherd:

School Updates

