Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Welcome to our class page

The adults that work with us in our class are:

Class Teacher: Mrs Sam Brewster 

Nursery Nurse: Mrs Timson


Lunchtime Supervisor:  

Sports Coach : Mr Taylor / Mr Timperley (Monday afternoon) 

Our amazing classroom!

What are we Learning?

In the Early Years, we follow the Early Years Educational Programmes and Development Matters documents in order to ensure that children progress towards the Good Level of Development at the end of the academic year. (Websites with links to these documents are below).

A lot of the learning that takes place in EYFS  is through play and the children have access to both an indoor and outdoor classroom, selecting their own activities as well as working 1:1 or in groups with adults.


Please click below to access our Year plan to see what we are learning in EYFS and to see our weekly timetable.

Useful Class Information


PE day

Monday (Sports Coach)

Please ensure that your child comes to school in our PE uniform, including trainers.



Please send your child to school with a pair of wellies (with their name on) so that we can still enjoy outdoor learning even when it is damp outside!



Ways to Support with Learning at Home

 Please try to share a book with your child as often as possible (even 5 minutes a day if that is all you can manage) and record it in their reading diary.

Practise any phonics sounds which your child brings home.

Access Tapestry for ideas for learning at home.

Also click on the links below for activities for your child to do at home:

Are you looking for suitable reading material which is age-appropriate for your child, and possibly matches some of the topics we are learning about in class?

Class Connections

Link to charity work or other connections made with local area.

Learning In Action

A few pictures of what we have been up to lately!

School Updates

