Amazing Australia
Today we are going to find out about The Daintree Rainforest in Australia.
Rainforests are forests which grow in areas of high rainfall.
Rainforests nearest to the equator, where the climate is very hot and wet all through the year, are evergreen because the trees can grow all of the time and so are always in leaf. They are found in South and Central America, Central Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia and the north eastern tip of Australia.
Look below at the map of Australia can you see where the Daintree forest is?
Now watch the videos below to help you understand a bit more about rainforests and The Daintree Rainforest.
The last one takes you on a virtual tour.
Below is a fact sheet about the rainforest , suitable for Year 2 children with an adult supporting and discussing.
Split your page into 6 equal parts. In each part draw a picture of something that you have found out about The Daintree Rainforest using the above clips and website.Year 1 and 2 write a fact to go with each picture.
Rainforest tree art