Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Wed 17/6

ZOOM PARTY - Friday at 3.30pm
"What gets bigger, the more you take out of it?". The answer is a hole. Lots of correct answers came flying in today but I said I'd give a shout out to the 3rd correct answer....that person was....Brendan!


Wake up your mind and body by working out with Joe Wicks live at 9am or workout later in the day. Click below...
Here is a different kind of workout - try it to revise some skills...Noun Phrases Mash-up! Click below..
If you find your Year Group page a little challenging then take a Step or Two Back.
► ENGLISH - poetry

Poetry is fantastic! It is a type of writing that is designed to bring out feelings (emotions) in the reader or the person who is listening to it being read aloud.

There are lots of different types of poem. Some have strict rules, such as limericks or haikus. On the other hand, some have less rules, such as free verse or narrative poems.


Click the link below and do the LEARN section only and then RETURN HERE.


Let's check we understand...



All poems have a subject – the thing that the poem is about. Poets can write about anything. For example, Robert Burns wrote about mice and even haggis!


Descriptive language that creates imagery (a picture in the mind of the reader) is important in poetry. Poems often include descriptive devices like:

  • Similes describe something by comparing it to something else, using like or as.

For example, the daffodils twirled like ballerinas.

  • Metaphors are a word or a phrase used to describe something as if it were something else.

For example, George had a lion’s heart (meaning he was brave).

  • Personification describes objects as if they are people.

For example, the daffodils were fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


Follow the link below and work your way through the PRACTISE section.
Do Activity 1.

Then do Activity 2 - the worksheet is also linked below.

Then do Activity 3


Choose one of the poems from the worksheet above, learn it and then perform it to members of your family.

► TOPIC - castles

Following the victory at the Battle of Hastings by an army led by William the Conqueror in 1066 the Normans began strengthening their position across the land. They did this by building castles.

Watch the video below:

I would like you all to have a go at Activity 1. Record your work in your exercise book.

(please do this) Where did the Normans build their Castles?

Firstly write the title CASTLES.

Can you write it using a medieval font like this?

Now click below to see a map of England and where the Normans built their castles.

Using the map answer these questions in your book in full sentences...

1) Which castle was the Normans' northern most castle?

2) Which castle was the Norman's most easterly castle?

3) How many castles did they build in London? Why do you think they did this?

4) Which Norman castle do you think is closest to us in Leicester?

5) Other than London, which other city had more than one castle built?

6) Why do you think they built so many castles along the southern coast of England?

7) Have you ever visited a castle? If so, where was it? What was it like?


8) Now make two lists and try and include at least 2 things in each list:
Advantages of living in a castle:
Disadvantages of living in a castle:

Now draw and label a Motte and Bailey castle and a Stone castle. Use the worksheets below to help you. Try and draw them yourself...add the details and the labels. Use a ruler for lines.
(optional) - create a castle in Minecraft
Watch the Norman Dover Castle built in Minecraft...can you build one?

(optional) - build a model castle from junk
You may need:
  • boxes (eg cereal)
  • card tubes
  • tape
  • scissors
  • colours

(optional) make a name plate/card/label/sign in a medieval font

Practice your calligraphy (the art of writing) and create something wonderful in this font...


(optional) draw a Castle


Listening to someone read a story is a great way to relax and unwind.
We are lucky that, at the moment, we have some fantastic stories being read by famous people and excellent story-tellers that are wonderful to enjoy.

Choose a story from below to listen to. Choose somewhere to relax and enjoy it.

David Walliams is reading a new story this week...AWFUL AUNTIE

Norse Myth: Yesterday I shared a Norse myth with you. Here is another Norse myth to listen to:
Audio Library: Fancy something different? Visit our audio library where you can listen to a *HUGE VARIETY* of books and stories! Find somewhere below and then choose a story to listen to.
yesSPELLING - practise this week's spellings
yesCOMPUTING - Design a Computer Game Competition. Purple Mash are running a competition to design a computer game with some cool prizes. Click below for information all about it.
yesREADING - are you keeping up with your regular reading and recording it in your orange reading diary?
yesTIMES TABLES - we need to keep these memorised - remember TTRockstars or search for 'Hit the Button'.
yesToday's interactive wordsearch click here
yesToday's interactive crossword click here
yesToday's interactive sudoku click here

School Updates

