Morning work:
On a piece of paper please practice your lowercase cursive letters a-z and your numbers 0-20.
Today we are going to be looking at the 'e' vowel sound in our lesson today. Please watch the video below and join in if you can. After the video, you could draw as many 'e' objects as you can.
In English today, we are going to be looking at the traditional tale of Rapunzel. This term we will be looking at being marvellous and super, keeping with this theme the prince in this story was a super hero saving the princess.
Please look at and read the story below and ask your grown up to ask you questions about the story.
For example:
what happened? who are the characters? what did they do? How did they do that? What would you like to see happen next? What's happening in the picture here? did you like the story? Why? Why not?
Today in Maths we are going to be looking at re-capping our learning from before Christmas. To revise all skills taught, please complete the end of unit assessment so we can see where gaps are and we will adress these in the coming days before moving on to new learning. Please complete the questions on a piece of paper.
Today in our topic learning we are going to be looking at History and Science. The theme of our topic is Marvellolus me, we will be looking at the human body and real life superheroes past and present.
Today in our history learning we will be learning all about Florence Nightingale. Please watch the episode of magic grandad for some information and look through the presentation below, then fill out the fact sheet about who she was.
Science :
Today we are going to be looking at the parts of the human body. we are going to be labeling them on a blank diagram. Please watch the video below and then have a go at labeling the parts of the body onto the boy or girl template below.