Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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For next week (w/c 1.3.21) if you wish to join in with the afternoon topic learning you will need one small balloon, newspaper or thin paper and some PVA glue to make a paste. We will be making paper mache hot air balloons.


If you would like to complete this activity but do not have these things at home, please let Miss Martin know and she can arrange for you to collect a balloon and some paper from the school office.



Good Morning Year 1 laugh


I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and a super half term holiday, I can't wait to hear about what you have been doing! I also hope you have recharged your brains ready for another busy week of home learning. This week is week 7 of our home learning (it's going so fast!) and I want you all to continue to work hard at home for your grown-ups. Remember to send me lots of lovely updates via seesaw so I can continue to see the amazing things you are doing at home.


During the half term holiday, I went into school to tidy some things up (you all know how messy I am!) and I took George with me. While in the classroom he asked me if he could share a little message with you on the board so here it is...He misses you all a lot and can't wait for you to watch this weeks phonics lessons! smiley



ZOOM Tuesday 23rd February at 11am - 11.45am

This  will be a 'social/well-being meeting' where you can all come along and have a chat to eachother, we will play some games and maybe have a dance or a go noodle too! It would be really nice if as many of you as possible came along to join the meeting as I am sure your friends would love to see you. Please bring along something that you can show me and your friends as we will begin our meeting with a show and tell.



Today we are going to be looking at a phoneme spotting story called 'The seeds in her teeth'. The phoneme we are going to be spotting is 'ee'. You could print the below document ans use a pen to highlight the 'ee' phonemes you can spot or download the document and talk it through with your grown up and point to the 'ee' phonemes if you want to.



In the video Miss Martin and George will introduce you to a new phase 5 sound each day and re-cap the phase 3 and 4 flashcards. For the lesson you will need either a whiteboard and pen or a piece of paper an a pen or pencil. Enjoy! laugh

Phonics with Miss Martin and George



In English this week, we are going to be looking at a story all about a young girl called Emma Jane who loves exploring in her aeroplane and she goes to lots of different places and picks up lots of animals along the way. The story is called 'Emma Jane's aeroplane' by Kate Haworth and illustrated by Daniel Rieley.


Today I would like you to watch the story being read to you by Mrs.Faux-Conduit and then answer the questions attached in the document below. You can either print the questions off and write your answers or answer them verbally and have a discussion about the answers with your grown-ups (you could record your answers on video and sent them to me on seesaw if you wanted to).


I hope you enjoy this story! laugh

Emma Jane's Aeroplane

Vocabulary for the story explained - some of the keywords hightlighted and explained from the story by Miss Martin

Still image for this video



BLUE WORK - back 1 step challenge

GREEN WORK - regular challenge

PURPLE WORK - forward 1 step challenge

These levels of differentiation, for some pieces of learning, will ensure that your child can access teaching and learning that is pitched correctly for them. If you are not sure which colour to do then please email your teacher.



Today in our Handwriting lesson we are going to be looking at letter families. These are groups of letters that are formed in the same way. The first letter we are going to be looking at is the letter a, this comes from the curly caterpillar letter family.


Please complete the worksheets below and if you would like to practice the letter d and it's formation please access the letter join website by following these instructions: 


click on the following link to access the website: 

The log in is as follows, username : tfps_2     password: thythorn2

(Please note there are no capitals in the password or the log in)


Once on the letter join website, please click on easy letters and you will see in the scrolling menu at the bottom letters, please watch how the letter d is formed and then have a go on screen using your mouse.

Handwriting letter D by Miss Martin



In our topic learning today we are going to be learning about the invention of the first

aeroplanes and comparing them to the ones we see today. Miss Martin has recorded the presentation for you to watch below and has included it below as a document should you wish to look back through it. There is a worksheet for you to complete all about aeroplanes too.

invention of aeroplanes with Miss Martin

Extra task : Would you like to have a go at inventing your own areoplane? Look no further, simply download the documents below to design and make your own areoplane from paper. All you will need is some A4 paper, Scissors,  A ruler  and some Paper clips (only needed for the helicopter and hang-glider).


►STORY TIME! laugh

This week Miss Martin has chosen to read a selection of books by the same author, I wonder if you can guess who the author this week is. The author's name will be shared with you later in the week.

Smartest giant in town read by Miss Martin and George

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