Revision of the 'igh' 'ie' 'i_e and 'i' sounds.
Can you write a list of 5 words for each sound? Can you draw a picture to match each of the words?
Remember to save them so you can show Miss Martin later.
Today in our lesson we are going to be looking at the New Year and what this means. We will be looking at New Year tradtions around the world and thinking about New Year's resolutions.
Miss Martin would like you to talk through the powerpoint presentation below with your grown-up and then complete the two New Years resolution stars. Miss Martin would like you to think about what your New Year's resolution could be for at home, and also to make a New Year's resolution for school by saying one thing you would like to get better at in school.
Good Morning Year 1
I hope you are all well and are continuing to work really hard at home for your grown ups. I have loved seeing the pictures you are sending me of all your learning at home. Your pictures make me smile as I am missing you all (a lot!) and this shows me you are happy and healthy...please continue to send them to me! Here are a few of the pictures you have sent me of your amazing learning so far! Look how super this work is!
►Today's Timetable
►Morning work
► Maths
GREEN WORK - Today's work is questions 1,2 and 3 please complete these on some paper or print the page to show Miss Martin later.
PURPLE WORK - As well as completing question 1,2 and 3 complete question 4 should you wish to extend your learning.
► Phonics
Revision of the 'ai' 'ay' 'a' and 'a_e' sounds.
Can you write a list of 5 words for each sound? Can you draw a picture to match each of the words?
Remember to save them so you can show Miss Martin later.
► English
Today we are going to be looking in more detail at the ball scene in Cinderella. Miss Martin would like you to use your amazing adjectives (describing words) to write some sentences about what you can see in the picture below. Please remember to include:
Also, remember to record your work so you can show Miss Martin later.
► Handwriting
Today in our Handwriting lesson we are going to be looking at letter families. These are groups of letters that are formed in the same way. The first letter we are going to be looking at is the letter l, this comes from the long ladder letter family.
Please complete the worksheets below and if you would like to practice the letter l and it's formation please access the letter join website by followign these instructions:
click on the following link to access the website: https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/log-in.html
The log in is as follows, username : tfps_2 password: thythorn2
(Please note there are no capitals in the password or the log in)
Once on the letter join website, please click on easy letters and you will see in the scrolling menu at the bottom letters, please watch how the letter l is formed and then have a go on screen using your mouse.
Today in our PSHE lesson we are going to be looking at bullying and how someone who is being bullied might feel. In our story Cinderella, Cinderella's step mother and step sisters are not very nice to her and say mean and nasty thingd to her all the time. Thinking about this we are going to look at how someone might feel if this was happenig to them.
Please watch the lesson video below which introduces Anti-Bullying Week and delves deeper into what bullying is and how we can stop it from happening. Then I would like you to complete the worksheet about how someone who is being bullied might feel.
► Story Time
Good morning Year 1
I hope you all had a fabulous day yesterday and managed to complete some super work with your grown-ups. The updates I have received from you all so far are below so look out for your pictures there! Keep up the amazing work! I love to receive your emails telling me all about the exciting things you have been doing and looking at the pictures of your super work makes me very proud of you...Please keep contacting me to let me know how you are and what you are up to.
Today's Timetable
Morning Work - Handwriting activity
On a piece of paper,
Remember to save your handwriting to show Miss Martin later.
► Maths
BLUE WORK - back 1 step challenge
GREEN WORK - regular challenge
PURPLE WORK - forward 1 step challenge
These levels of differentiation, for some pieces of learning, will ensure that your child can access teaching and learning that is pitched correctly for them. If you are not sure which colour to do then please email Miss Martin to check.
► Phonics
Revision of the 'oe' 'o_e' and 'o' sounds.
Can you write a list of 5 words for each sound? Can you draw a picture to match each of the words?
Remember to save them so you can show Miss Martin later.
► English
Today we are going to be looking at ball in more detail from the story of Cinderella. Miss Martin would like you to look at the sheet below and use the pictures in the second document to put them in the right order. Once you have sequenced the pictures Miss Martin would like you to write a sentence about each one, we will use this later in the week to help us write a story.
In the video below Miss Martin will take you through the worksheet step by step.
Today's work challenges:
BLUE WORK - Write one simple short sentence about each picture.
GREEN WORK - Write one sentence about each picture using adjectives where possible.
PURPLE WORK - Write one or two sentences about each picture using adjectives where possible.
► RE
This term we are going to be looking at special books and the different spevil books for different religions. In today's lesson we are going to be thinking about our special book. Do you have a favourite special book?
Look through the presentation below and complete the workseet, remember to save it to show Miss Martin later.
► PE
Usually on a Thursday morning you would have PE with Mr Revan, so today we are going to be doing some PE at home. In school you would be moving on to invasion games (Basketball, football etc). Today Mr Pantony shows you how to improve your football passing skills at home.
Good Morning Year 1
I am pleased to say you've made it to FRIDAY! Do you know how amazing you are? You have made it to the end of your first week of home learning...Well done! You are a class of resilient rangers, preserving when things got tough, I am so proud of all of you!
I hope today you continue to work hard at home for your grown-ups. The updates I have received from you all are in a super picture gallery below so look out for your pictures there! Please continue to send them to me and if you haven't sent me any yet...Please do as I love to see what you are all up to at home and it makes me smile to see you all and know you are happy, safe and well.
Today's Timetable
► Maths
BLUE WORK - back 1 step challenge
GREEN WORK - regular challenge
PURPLE WORK - forward 1 step challenge
These levels of differentiation, will ensure that your child can access teaching and learning that is pitched correctly for them. If you are not sure which colour to do then please email Miss Martin.
► Phonics
Weekly recap
Can you write a list of 5 words for each sound? Can you draw a picture to match each of the words?
Remember to save them so you can show Miss Martin later.
Extra phonics
There are some great interactive games on the phonics play website for children to play and revise their phonetic skills. Currently, the website is free for parents to sign up to if you log in using the user name: jan21 and the password: home. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/#
You could also play some different phonics games at http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/literacy.html a
Have fun!
► English
Today in English we are going to be writng about the ball from the story Cinderella. We are going to be wrting it as though we are Cinderella and it will be like her diary from the day of the ball. You can use anything we have done this week to help you, the descriptions of the ball from Wednesday, the events we looked at yesterday and the times. You can even watch the video from Tuesday and add in any bits of detail you want to, but remember to:
Remember to save your writing to show Miss Martin later.
Today's work challenges:
BLUE WORK - Write simple short sentences.
For example : At 9am they got an invitation to the ball. Everyone was happy.
GREEN WORK - Write sentences using adjectives where possible.
For example: Cinderella wore a beautiful, blue ball gown and sparkly glass slippers.
PURPLE WORK - Write longer entences with more detail using adjectives where possible.
For example : Cinderella and the handsome prince danced the night away. Cinderella was so happy he had chosen her and could not stop smiling.
On a Friday you normally have a PE lesson with Miss Martin. The topic of PE we will be looking at this term is yoga and stretching. Today we are going to have A Cosmic Kids yoga adventure about about going on a bear hunt! (Inspired by the wonderful book by Michael Rosen). Enjoy!
► Golden Time
Golden Time!
On a Friday afternoon in Year 1 we have GOLDEN TIME!
Play, be creative, make things, dress up, tell jokes and let your imagination run wild.
► Assembly