Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 21.9.21

Morning work:

On a piece of paper please practice your lowercase cursive letters a-z and your numbers 0-20.


Today we are going to be looking at the 'oo' digraph in our lesson today. Please watch the Geraldine giraffe video below and join in if you can. After the video, you could go on a hunt around your house for 'oo' sounds in objects.


Today we are going to be thinking back to the beginning of the story Paddington. We are also going to be looking at speech bubbles and why we use them. Please see the sheet below and talk to your grown up about what the characters might be saying to eachother.



In Maths today we are going to be consolidating our knowledge all about one to one correspondance. Please watch the video below and have a go at the worksheet on paper.

One to one correspondence

Tabby McTat after lunchtime story


Today in our PHSE learning we are going to be discussing what it might feel like to be a new child in our class. Talk to the adults/other children in your house about the things you might say or do to make them feel certain ways. What emotions may they be feeling? why?


Today we are goingt to explore the landmarks within London. Please look through the presentation and discuss the answers with you grown up.


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