Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Wednesday 1.2.2023

1-1 Reading during REGISTER


Reciprocal Reading for half the session:

Select a higher level text from the Blue Comprehension Box, a colour no-one has reached yet - as it is teacher led, all pupils will be supported via open-ended questioning, vocabulary choices and the multi-choice questioning - plus they get the opportunity of a higher quality text.

1) Adult models reading the text to whole class, a paragraph at a time.

    Consider using echo/choral reading to embed good reading skills and improve comprehension.

2) Pupils highlight any vocabulary they are unsure of (this will be very individual).

3) Give pupils time to use dictionaries to clarify definitions and re-read the sentence to check understanding.

4) Give pupils the option to work independently and continue to answer the questions, or continue to work with you. I usually have a small group who choose to continue to work with me in a whole class/group situation: I read the questions and optional answers, model locating the correct paragraph/sentence/word, reading around key vocabulary to gain greater meaning, discuss why it can/cannot be the correct answer.When pupils give their answers use lots of open-ended responses: what tells you that? How do you know? Why isn't it X?


2nd half - use the reciprocal reading pupil led sheets.

Careful grouping of 6 groups of 5 pupils, with a text between them.

Assign a leader, they have the sheet.

Leader chooses the text for the group.

Leader chooses pupils for the 4 other roles: clarifying, questioning, summarising and predicting.

Leader states who begins the reading from a start and stop position. 

Then each person will carryout their role each time adult stops and punctuates the lesson - clarifier, have you found some vocabulary to explain the definition to the rest of group. Questioner, have you asked the rest of the group a question about what has been read yet? And so on.

This activity is mostly pupil led - adult needs to circulate, motivate and prompt, making sure that everyone is taking part, continuing to follow the reading when it is someone else's turn and is carrying out their role effectively.



Teacher book on my desk if needed.


Continue with slideshow - depending on where adult got up to last time.

If unsure, start with 'week 18 quick task' as we have done a little of this focus/foci in class and also in CGP books - it should reduce cognitive load and also be somewhat familiar to them.



Flashback 5!

Or, if pupils fancy a change - I use these sometimes:

For ease of teaching, in my absence, the Vimeo clip will be the 'I do' today.

Please stop and punctuate the lesson, checking for understanding.


'We do' will be working through modelled examples, questions, pausing and asking pupils for predictions and for them to share their understanding before example worked through on video clip.

'You do' individual questions.

Everyone does 'ALL' /first task.

All but 4 pupils work their way through questions. They know who they are.

4 pupils: jump to Q3 today.


Additional needs: questions for slicing into individual questions, putting into grey trays, plus putting onto green, yellow and blue, plus one enlarged version.

Discuss, model and demonstrate question 1 to all pupils before they continue with questions independently.

Check understanding and adult works in a small group with those still unsure.


Start the session with a book immersion using the Library Services topic selection of books in separate bookcase. If the laptops are free, pupils may wish to add to their research notes saved so far - if not they could take notes of any facts they extract from reading fiction and non-fiction books available.


(The DT element is now covered by Mrs Hall - we have changed her session to sewing of Tudor rose and a bookmark.)


Tudors: following the new history scheme: 

Key question: 'How different was life for people at various levels of society living in Tudor times, and how do we know?'


Research any evidence from LS books to identify similarities and differences of lifestyles.


Click here for lesson plan:

(pupils did not receive any Tudor teaching and learning in Y4 during home-learning)

Class reader: Mr Friend Walter, on my desk.

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