Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tues 16/6


"Mary lives with all her children. She has 4 daughters. Each daughter has a brother. How many children does Mary have living with her?"

The answer is 5. Mary has 4 daughters and 1 son (he is a brother to all the daughters). Well done to just 2 with the correct answer.... Mason and Brendan!


Wake up your mind and body by working out with Joe Wicks live at 9am or workout later in the day. Click below...
Here is a different kind of workout - try it to revise some skills...Noun Phrases Mash-up! Click below..
If you find your Year Group page a little challenging then take a Step or Two Back.
► COMPUTING - programming

Today we are going to work through the next block of coding.

You will need to log in to Purple Mash to do this. Log in as a Year 5 (Year5 and Year5).

See the video below that explains what to do....

The knights of DanburyHall and Wilkie are all ready....
Let's continue the story from's time for the Battle of Hastings and to meet William the Conqueror....

An incredible record of this time remains is called the Bayeux Tapestry.

The Bayeux Tapestry is a fabric picture with stitching on....stitching of pictures and words that was ordered to be made (commissioned) by William to celebrate his victory at the Battle of Hastings and the taking of the English crown. It has survived 1000 years and can be seen in a museum in Normandy in France....

A very clever person has brought the tapestry to life to tell the story of The Battle of Hastings...

Below are some activities you can look through and see what catches your eye. It would be great if you could all have a go at Activity 1.

ACTIVITY 1 - create a modern Bayeux Tapestry picture

The Bayeux Tapestry was a story of the events that took place in 1066.

I want to, with your help, create a Thythorn Tapestry that tells the story of 2020.

Watch the video below to see what to do...

ACTIVITY 2 -  make a bow and arrow or a crossbow (Grown-up help required)

Things you might use:

  • a bendy stick found on a walk or in the garden
  • string
  • elastic bands
  • pencils
  • sellotape
  • etc
Below are some how-to videos that you might adapt in your design and build...

Only do the next one with adult help.

ACTIVITY 3 - make an arrow head (tricky origami)

ACTIVITY 4 - make yourself into a knight

  1. Log into Purple Mash
  2. Go to Tools
  3. Go to Mashcams
  4. Scroll down and look for the Knights

5. Choose a knight and then use the tools to photograph your face and place it into the knight

6. Save it when done.

ACTIVITY 5 - create a wanted poster for a knight

  1. Log into PurpleMash
  2. In the Search box at the top type 'Normans'
  3. From the results select 'Wanted Poster Saxon Soldiers'

4. Create a fab poster and save it.



Listening to someone read a story is a great way to relax and unwind.
We are lucky that, at the moment, we have some fantastic stories being read by famous people and excellent story-tellers that are wonderful to enjoy.

Choose a story from below to listen to. Choose somewhere to relax and enjoy it.

David Walliams is reading a new story this week...AWFUL AUNTIE

Norse Myth: Last week I shared a French myth with you. Here is a Norse one to listen to:
Audio Library: Fancy something different? Visit our audio library where you can listen to a *HUGE VARIETY* of books and stories! Find somewhere below and then choose a story to listen to.


yesCODEBREAKERS - can you crack the secret code? Click below for the challenge and the answers.
yesCOMPUTING - Design a Computer Game Competition. Purple Mash are running a competition to design a computer game with some cool prizes. Click below for information all about it.
yesREADING - are you keeping up with your regular reading and recording it in your orange reading diary?
yesTIMES TABLES - we need to keep these memorised - remember TTRockstars or search for 'Hit the Button'.
yesToday's interactive wordsearch click here
yesToday's interactive crossword click here
yesToday's interactive sudoku click here

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