Good Morning Year 2!
I saw this little video and it made me laugh. It reminded me of the Gingerbread Man in the funny programme that lots of you like watching!
Planting seeds
I know that lots you have already been planting seeds over the last few weeks and helping out in the garden. If you managed to get a packet of seeds for this week then see if you can plant them and look after them over the next few weeks. Watch carefully as they start to germinate and grow into seedlings. If we were in school we would make observations, draw pictures and keep a diary of the seeds as they change and grow. You could do this in your book if you want to.You could also plant them in different places to see if makes a difference to how well they grow.
Work out the missing numbers in the sequences. I've used this to show you where the missing number is. Do this in your exercise book.
2 4 6 10
The answer is 2 4 6 8 10 Click on the star to check your answers.
20 25 35 40 40 35 30 25
60 70 80 100 9 12 18 21
8 10 12 16 18 23 33 43 53
50 60 70 19 29 49 59
3 6 12 15 47 57 67
Main part of maths lesson
Today we are going to remind ourselves how to divide by grouping and counting the number of groups.
Sometimes we can get a bit confused with this so look at the pictures and listen to the voice clip to help you remember what to do.
Questions ( is where a number should be)
Dividing by making equal groups
1 . I have 8. How many groups of 2 can I make ?
8 ÷ 2 =
2. I have 10. How many groups of 5 can I make?
10 ÷ 5 =
3. I have 6. How many groups of 3 can I make?
6 ÷ 3 =
4. I have 9. How many groups of 3 can I make?
9 ÷=
5. I have 12. How many groups of 4 can I make ?
12 ÷=
6. I have 15. How many groups of 5 can I make?
15 ÷=
7. I have 12. How many groups of 3 can I make?
12 ÷=
8. I have 20. How many groups of 5 can I make?
Sam has 30 counters.
How many different ways can he put them into equal groups?
He has made a start, but needs your help to find more ways.
1 group of 30.
5 groups of 6.
Today we are going to carry on with our online English lessons and today we are going to start looking at the features of instructions.
Before you start, have a go at practising the common exception words that the teacher is going over with you in these lessons.
child children because find kind behind mind door poor floor
I wonder if you will know how to spell them by the end of the week!
Click below to start
Today we are going to use Purple Mash but you have 2 choices or you can do both! Just like last week log in by clicking below.
Click on tools.
Scroll down and find Art and Design.
1 - You can click on 2paint a picture and choose swirly.
Create a spring picture using the swirly paint tool. If you go to the menu and click on SWIRLY TREE. You will see my spring picture. I selected a background before I started painting.
2 - You can use 2animate like you did last week and either make up your own animation or show a seed growing. A bit like the life cycle that we did in science. Go to the Menu and open seed growing and you will see my example.
After you have completed a task you can have some free choice time on Purple Mash.
Login details
username -children2
Did you watch the programme last week about recorders? I never knew that were so many different types of recorders! This week our music programme is all about drums.