Hi year 3! Well done for reaching the Easter Holidays! Make sure you have a rest and enjoy the time with your family. Don't eat too much chocolate! Anyway here's the plan for today...
Our timetable for today...
CLASS: 3 Mrs Boyd and Mrs Brewster |
WEEK BEGINNING: 23/03/20 Friday 3rd Home Learning wk2 |
8.40 – 9.00 |
9.00 - 9.30 |
9.30 – 10.30 |
10.30 -10.50 |
10.50 - 12 |
12– 1 |
1.00 – 2.50 |
2.50-3.05 |
English skills - handwriting |
PE with Joe Wicks – follow link on youtube |
Maths – Horizontal and Vertical Lines Flashback |
Break |
English - prefixes |
Lunch |
Reading time (15mins) |
Arithmetic skills – TT rockstars! |
RE – The Easter Story |
Class |
Choose 5 spelling words from the lists below and write them out 5 times each in your best cursive handwriting.
Warm up: Answer these quick questions about 2D shapes:
Friday Flashback: Horizontal and Vertical Lines
Work through this PowerPoint to remind yourself about these two types of lines:
Then have a go at these questions (see how far you can get- they get trickier as they go along. If it gets too tricky then stop!). When it says objects in the classroom… you need to find objects at home instead
Get someone to test you on the spellings you have been practising this week.
Adding the Prefix -anti to words
How many words can you think of that start with the prefix anti-?
I’ll start you off… anticlockwise, antifreeze…
Use a dictionary to help (if you don't have one ask a grown up to help you find an online one or a dictionary app).
Then work through the PowerPoint below:
Look at this PowerPoint which tells the Easter Story:
Your challenge is to retell the Easter story in a creative way. You could…
Whatever way you can think of!
It would be great if you could send some photos in of what you have created. You can be as creative as you like! Good luck
Log into Oxford Owl and choose a book to share with someone