Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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WEEK 12/10




To receive feedback on your learning please email your class teacher each day with a message as to how you got on. If you attach work or include photos of work they will be able to see how you got on.


If you would like Mr Smyton to see as well then please email him too:




Now that we have finished the unit of work on place value, let's see how much you can remember.  Look through the PowerPoint below and work through the questions with your grown-up.



♦FRIDAY (Year 1 pirate day)




For Today's lesson we are going to be practicing our handwriting.


click on the following link to access the website: 

The log in is as follows, username : tfps_2     password: thythorn2

(Please note there are no capitals in the password or the log in)


We are going to be practicing long ladder letters today, once on the letter join website, please click on easy letters and you will see in the scrolling menu at the bottom letters such as, i,l,j,u,t. Please watch how they are formed and then have a go on screen using your mouse. There is also a worksheet to practice too, but you can record these letters on lined paper to show Miss Martin later.


For Today's lesson we are going to be practicing our handwriting.


click on the following link to access the website: 

The log in is as follows, username : tfps_2     password: thythorn2

(Please note there are no capitals in the password or the log in)


We are going to be practicing  curly caterpillar letters today, once on the letter join website, please click on easy letters and you will see in the scrolling menu at the bottom letters such as, c,o,d,g. Please watch how they are formed and then have a go on screen using your mouse. There is also a worksheet to practice too, but you can record these letters on lined paper to show Miss Martin later.

Today we are going to be looking at the features of a diary entry, ready to write our own diary from the perspective of Mr.Grinling. Look through the PowerPoint and talk about it with your grown up.
♦FRIDAY (Year 1 pirate day)
Click on the worksheet below and read through the instructions. Can you follow them and make your own pirate hat? 




Can you write a list of 5 words for each sound?  Can you draw a picture to match each of the words?

Remember to save them so you can show Miss Martin later.


The sound for today is 'ar'

The sound for today is 'ear'

♦FRIDAY (Year 1 pirate day)




As part of our statutory PSHE work, Year 1 will be learning about the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule. During these lessons we will aim to teach our pupils a number of important safety skills without giving explicit information or telling scary stories. We will be teaching our pupils the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule, using the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which is like a green cross code for staying safe from sexual harm:

PANTS stands for:

· Privates are private

· Always remember your body belongs to you

· No means no

· Talk about secrets that upset you

· Speak up, someone can help


The lessons will introduce a range of ideas, all delivered in a way that’s fully age

appropriate. These include:

· “appropriate” and “inappropriate” touching

· your child’s right to say no to things that make them feel upset or uncomfortable

· naming parts of the body

· who your child can turn to if they ever feel upset or worried.



As part of our science learning we are going to be looking at the seasons and how this affects the trees around us. Watch the video below and complete the worksheet by drawing your own seasons trees.




For your PE lesson, please follow and join in with the Cosmic kids yoga video below.


In RE this week we are going to be learning our 'special song' ready for our grown-ups. Please listen to and join in with our song.

♦FRIDAY (Year 1 pirate day)
As it is pirate day in Year 1 today and we have been busy doing pirate activities. This afternoon, here are some fun pirate activities for you to try at home.

School Updates

