Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Thursday 21st May

Hi Year 2.



Get that maths brain ready and see if you can shout out the answer!

Click on the voice clip below.

Get that maths brain ready , and see if you can shout out the answer!


Today our maths lesson is about multiplication and using the X symbol.

Remember to watch the teaching video and make sure you have a bit of paper and a pencil to hand incase you need to jot anything down.

Teaching video - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol

You can print this off or work through the questions in your exercise book or discuss the questions and your answers with a grown-up.


1- Spellings

Practise the words that we have been learning  this week , ready for the test tomorrow. These are all words from the Year 2 spelling list. 


bath       path       both


most      past       last  


move     prove       improve


2 - Snail Facts and reading

There are two videos below for you to watch.

The first one is a short clip about snails and the second one is a book called, Are you a snail? You can follow the text as this book is being read.


Snails For Kids

Are you a snail? Follow the text as it is read aloud.


Write at least 8 facts about snails in full sentences.

Here are some ways you could use to start your sentences.

See if you can use some of your English skills too. Can you include commas in a list in one of your sentences ? Can you use some conjunctions (joining words) ? 

Use a page in your book. Put the title  Snails  at the top and write each fact on a new line.


Snails have got............                 Snails are.................

A snail has ...................                 Snails like............

They have ...................

When a snail.............



Find out a bit more about snails.

Read through the snail information on the powerpoint by clicking below.

Snail powerpont . Click here.


Below there are two snail art ideas to have a go at.

Look at the pictures , the first picture shows paper snails on paper leaves. You need a strip of paper and you curl it to make the snail. You could make a whole family of snails.

The second picture uses a paper plate. If you don't have a paper plate you could draw around a plate on a piece of paper and cut out the circle shape.

Paper snails on paper leaves and paper plate snail.

Story time. Chapter 31 to the end of James and the giant peach!

So we've come to the end of our story James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.

Discuss these questions with a grown-up.

Did you enjoy it?

Who was you favourite character?

Did you like the way it ended?

What was your favourite part of the story?

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