Year 5 – Wednesday 10th February 2021 |
Morning starter |
Maths |
20 mins independent reading |
Zoom – 12 noon – |
English |
Story |
Grammar |
RE |
French |
Times tables |
Mental Maths warm up
Add fractions within 1 |
Day 3 of a writing project about Cave elves (Talk 4 Writing)
The incredible adventures of Professor Branestawm Chapter 13
Wednesday slide |
Generosity |
shapes |
► Mental starter
Blue challenge - complete questions 1 - 4.
Green challenge - complete questions 1 - 6.
Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below.
It is day 3 of our preparation to write an entry into 'The Ultimate Guide to Elves and Sprites'.
Today you are going to be making decisions about your elf. I will model some ideas and there are lots of ideas on the sheets to get your imagination flowing. The activity is to produce a passport for you elf, which will help you set clear ideas of who/what your elf is like and then draw and label them to match your written description. Remember to keep all the work you complete this week as it will inform your final write. The elf or sprite you create today will be the basis for your written piece.
Today's lesson is all about 'les formes' (shapes). Watch the video and repeat the names of the shapes as you go. The video also reminds you how to ask the questions 'Qu'est-ce que c'est?' (What is it?) and to ask and answer questions about the colour, which you covered a couple of weeks ago.
Afterwards I would like you to complete the sheet matching up the shape descriptions to the pictures and then writing simple sentences to describe the picture (I will guide you through this).
► R.E.
Today we are learning about generosity and what that means for Christians and for us. Watch my presentation and click on the link to the BBC video.
Then, inside the shape of the coin, write 3 ways that you could show generosity to others. Write a full explanation of how you would show the generosity, to whom and why it would be important to them. You can then decorate your coin.