Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Week 26/10






To receive feedback on your learning please email your class teacher each day with a message as to how you got on. If you attach work or include photos of work they will be able to see how you got on.


If you would like Mr Smyton to see too then please email him too:



Read for 30 minutes; fiction or non-fiction: either your school reading book or a book to match one of our topics if possible:

Geography/History: World War II 

Science: Humans and Animals

Judaism: The Star of David, Anne Frank's Diary, RE facts


Record your reading in your Reading Record Book and tell me what you dis/liked and a new word you will now use in your writing.




Start the morning practising your weekly spellings taken from the word lists, topic work, errors found in your writing and weekly No Nonsense grammar work previously given - we will check your accuracy upon returning to school.


If you do not have your spelling sheet at home, choose 6 spellings from the Y5/6 word list and practise the four additional words for week 1 on this table:

I would like you to practise rule 43: 'fer' words on Spelling Frame:

To continue with our World War II topic, we are going to learn more about Judaism and the treatment of Jewish citizens.


Last term we learnt about the displacement of children around Britain when they were evacuated from their homes. This term we are looking at the treatment and displacement of Jews: Today's reading comprehension, word work and reading skills are practised and improved using: The Kindertransport.

► PE
► RE

Throughout your school journey you have about Judaism in Religious Education (RE).


Draw a Knowledge Harvest sharing all you have previously learned. If you do this on a loose sheet of paper you can stick it in your book when you return to school.


You could share what you know about:

  • their place of worship,
  • their special book,
  • artefacts,
  • significant people,
  • places of origin,
  • dialect/language/specific vocabulary,
  • scripts and commandments,
  • symbols and meanings,
  • clothing,
  • special days and celebrations.

If you are struggling - use your research skills to find out several facts from each of the above sub-headings.

Once you have gathered all the information needed, you can illustrate with relevant images using colour to catch the reader's eye! 




Begin the day practising your trickier times tables and the related division facts.


If you are confident with all times tables; up to 12-times tables, and the related division facts, then I would like you to practise your squared numbers and squared roots - treat it as another set of multiplications and divisions you need to know by instant recall. This will be good preparation for work we will be doing very soon.

Your maths lesson today:



If you are still unsure, look here for further information:

(Did you notice what I did there?)

Now create some sentences of your own using this dice activity.

If you do not have a printer at home you can write the words onto slips of paper and then shuffle them to decide which one to use next.


This term, in Science, we are learning about Animals and Humans.

We are beginning this learning journey learning about our heart and blood!

(Well, it is nearly Halloween)


Next week, if you are un/lucky we might get to try blood smoothies!!! surprise

Draw an outline image of your body.

Label the heart and any other internal organs you may know. 

Research facts about the circulation system.

Research facts about the heart.

Hopefully in your research you will find out some facts about red blood cells and white blood cells.

Look at the images below and try some sketching techniques - can you replicate the images.




Your settling in activity to start the day and get your brain 'school shape' for the day is reading.

Read for 15 minutes and then use your reciprocal reading skills and find one new word, or word you have heard but are not 100% sure of it's definition - clarify the meaning; use your dictionary skills.

Then, raise one question for someone who may also be reading the same book as you. Test it out on the adult at home - you read the page to them and then ask them to listen carefully. Then ask your question. Can they answer it?

Summarise, in your own words, what you have just read.

Can you make a prediction?

Today's maths lesson builds upon yesterday's work - I think you will make some strong connections here and realise the relationship between common factors and common multiples smiley


Watch the clip below from Carrie's War and list the range and mixture of emotions the children may be feeling and why. Also refer back to the detail we have read in Letters from the Lighthouse and goodnight Mister Tom.


The children may have been excited to go on a train ride, go to the seaside coastal villages, if they have never left their city before. They may be sad to leave their family, their friends, their own home and own bedroom and toys.


If you can remember the first time you stayed away from home without your parents, think back to the range of thoughts and emotions you felt - but you knew you were returning home very soon - these children are going to be away from home for months, years!


Gather your ideas, apt vocabulary, skilful sentences and build in figurative language skills and the 'thinking side of your double page.

Write your planned ideas and first draft on your writing side; ready for the first session this afternoon where you will edit and improve your first draft and write your improved letter.


Your task today is to think about the format and details needed to create a letter. How do you instantly recognise a letter? What does a letter usually contain? If you are unsure, ask your adult at home to show you a couple of letters they have received recently - if possible, one formal and one informal.

Look at the layout. What do the letters have in common? How do they differ?


Your are going to write an informal letter, a friendly letter, to your parent/s or another adult - maybe to Grandma or Granddad - to share you news.


Remember, children were often told to make their letter sound happy and exciting... even if they were homesick and sad. Use the film clip to help you describe: your train journey out to the countryside; your arrival at a village; your new family and home; any other news you think you should share. 


Watch the clip below. 

Would you cope if you were one of the children travelling back in time to experience World War II?

Could you manage if you were away for 6 years from your family?

I would like you to write a list of pros and cons about living through the war years as a child - if you have access to a laptop you can word process if you wish. For each idea, justify your answer - tell me why you think each idea is a pro or a con.



Can you use Logo to create a map, or an object, which is connected to the seaside village you have been evacuated to. e.g. Olive and Cliff, in Letter's from the Lighthouse, might try to input the commands to create a lighthouse, or the boat Esther's dad and the other escapees washed up on the shore in! Carrie might create a suitcase, gas mask box with a string to hang around your neck, or an identity tag.


If you are unsure of how to use Logo, hover over the tabs across the top and find 'open videos' - here it will explain and remind you what you need to do.


You may not be able to do it with your first attempt - persevere.

How can you edit and improve/refine your instructions each time to improve your map or object.




Settling in task: basic maths: flashback - today I would like you to think about the previous division methods we have completed in class.

Have a go at these:


1) 286 divided by 22 =

2) 396 divided by 33 =

3) 40.5 divided by 15 =

4) 69.7 divided by 41=

5) If  I save the same amount of money each week, and I save £351 in one year, how much money did I save each week?

In maths today we are learning about prime numbers.

Have a look in the dictionary and see if you can use your clarifying skills to find the definition of a prime number.

Now you definitely know what a prime number is, watch this White Rose Maths clip and see what we need to do today: 


From watching the two film clips yesterday, and gathering details about life and emotions when evacuated from home. I would now like you to write a diary entry.

Think about the format and layout of a diary.

How would you recognise a diary page at a glance.

If you are unsure ask your adult at home with you, to show you a few examples on the internet, or show you their diary if they have one.

What information is usually printed on the page?


Chat with your adult about the content and details that are usually written in a diary. T

his will be good preparation for Anne Frank's Diary later in the term.


Remember a diary is: written in the past tense, is usually chatty and informal, often the content may be exaggerated and not true and sometime sit is true.

A diary is an opportunity to write down very real feelings and emotions.


This term, in Art, you are learning about Pablo Picasso.

Watch this clip to find out some background facts about Pablo.


Picasso Images

Try to replicate a Pablo Picasso image - try this roll a dice game to see which image to add next. It reminds me of a game called Misfits!

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