Hello to all the lovely Year Two children who are at home,
I hope you are all OK and managing to complete some work each day.
Year 2 seems very empty and quiet at the moment and we are looking forward to everyone being back together again.
Here is your home learning for today.
Maths starter
Today is a recap on adding and subtracting tens numbers.
Watch the teaching video and complete the questions.
Look at the picture below very carefully.
Discuss it with an adult and talk about all the things that you can see.
Can you write some descriptive sentences about the picture using adjectives. You might even be able to use some adjectives with the er or est suffixes! Try and make your sentences effective and interesting.
Here is one of my sentences.
Everywhere is covered in glistening white snow.
We are coming towards the end of our 'London's Burning' topic.
Today we are thinking about London being rebuilt after the fire had stopped.
If you were King Charles ll what changes would you want to be made to London after the fire?
Below there are two links to help you with your learning.
The first link is to three short videos which will remind you about The Great Fire of London. We have watched the first two in school but they are very short and worth revisiting to remind you.
The second link is to a game about The Great Fire of London.
Your task is to imagine you are the king. You have ordered for London to be rebulit. What changes would you make ? Think about what might stop the houses burning so quickly if there was another fire.
Can you write three ideas for the new London. You can use the worksheet or an adult could draw a similar shape for you to write your orders on.
The PhonicsPlay website is a good way to practise your reading and spelling skills. You can click the link below and it should take you to PhonicsPlay. Use the login details below.
Once you are logged in , go to resources and choose from phase 3 to phase 6.
You can explore the different games , you will also recognise some of the games because we have used them in school.
Username - thythorny2
Password - children123
Spellings for this week's test on Friday.
Green group - those explode alone broke tadpole backbone stones whole phone throne
Yellow group - hurt purse church fur turn burnt surf nurse curl turnip
Blue group - rain tail wait sail pain