Please read with your child for 20 minutes each day. This could be a story book which you read, a phonics book which they read or a mixture of the two.
Oxford Owl have a library of free books which can be read on a phone or tablet.
Follow the link below and sign up yourself. You can then access a variety of books which are age-appropriate. Start on age 3-4 (Oxford Level 1) and work your way through as your child gets more confident.
Today is Chinese New Year and we are going to be learning about how the celebration was founded and how people celebrate.
Watch the videos below and talk about the traditions which are incorporated in these celebrations.
You could then create a Chinese dragon with the template which I have attached.
Today we are thinking about ordinal numbers, linking to Chinese New Year.
In the story, the animals came in different places in the race. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th.
Talk to your child about these numbers and how they can be used in daily life. e.g. our daily timetable, standing in a queue, competing in our own competitions.
Use the documents below or draw your own pictures of each animal from the story and ask your child to stick them in order, using the ordinal number language as they do so.
Today we are learning the 'qu' sound. This is a digraph and the letter 'q' is never seen without a 'u' in the English language. Reinforce this with your child and continually remind them throughout the writing today that 'the Queen always carries her umbrella.'
Watch the video together and ask your child to practise the letter formation 10 times after the video has finished. Then complete one of the following activities.
Blue and Green challenge: go on phonicsplay.co.uk and login with the username ThythornEYFS and the password thythorn. Find the game Picnic on Pluto and click on Phase 3 and the '+qu'. Ask your child to read and then copy each word and then decide whether it is a real or fake word.
Purple challenge: go on phonicsplay.co.uk and login with the username ThythornEYFS and the password thythorn. Find the game Picnic on Pluto and click on Phase 3 and the '+qu'. Ask your child to read the words and then decide if they are real or fake. If it is a real word, ask your child to think of a sentence which includes the word.
I realised that I missed out the action on the video; the action is to place hands on top of each other and open and close them like a quacking duck's bill.