Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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WEEK 23/11




To receive feedback on your learning please email your class teacher each day with a message as to how you got on. If you attach work or include photos of work they will be able to see how you got on.


If you would like Mr Smyton to see as well then please email him too:





Revision of the 'oa' 'ar' and 'oo' sounds.


Can you write a list of 5 words for each sound?  Can you draw a picture to match each of the words?

Remember to save them so you can show Miss Martin later.


For Today's lesson we are going to be practicing our handwriting.


click on the following link to access the website: 

The log in is as follows, username : tfps_2     password: thythorn2

(Please note there are no capitals in the password or the log in)


We are going to be practicing our w's and z's today. Once on the letter join website, please click on easy letters and you will see in the scrolling menu at the bottom letters, please watch how they are formed and then have a go on screen using your mouse. There is also a worksheet to practice too, but you can record these letters on lined paper to show Miss Martin later.

In today's lesson we are going to be exploring some materials to see which ones would make a good umbrella for Noi in our story and why. Which ones were waterproof and which ones let lots of water in. Look through the slides and then complete the worksheet.


Revision of the 'or' 'ur' and 'oo' sounds.


Can you write a list of 5 words for each sound?  Can you draw a picture to match each of the words?

Remember to save them so you can show Miss Martin later.


Today we are going to be refreshing our skills about how to join a sentence together using 'and' and 'but'.


We are also going to be focusing on our handwriting today through a letter join worksheet. Remember how to form your Curly caterpillar, Zig zag, one armed robot  and Long ladder letters as this will help you to produce your best handwriting.


If you want to practice our letters first, Please go to the letter join website and click on easy letters and you will see in the scrolling menu at the bottom letters such as, c,o,d,g. Please watch how they are formed and then have a go on screen using your mouse.


To practice, click on the following link to access the website: 

The log in is as follows, username : tfps_2     password: thythorn2

(Please note there are no capitals in the password or the log in)

Following on from last weeks geography lesson all about the UK. Today I would like you to research into the union jack flag and make some notes with your grown up. After this I would like you to use the below template and create your own Union Jack flag. You could collage, paint, colour or use anyhthing you have at home to recreate the flag.


Revision of the 'ow' 'ear' and 'oi' sounds.


Can you write a list of 5 words for each sound?  Can you draw a picture to match each of the words?

Remember to save them so you can show Miss Martin later.


As Noi from our story is very lonely, We are going to think of a game he can play to keep himself busy and from being bored whist his dad is at sea.


What games do you know about? What things could he use from the beach and Island for his game? How might he play it? What will you need?


Think about Noi and these things above and come up with an idea for a game that he could play. Draw your ideas onto a piece of paper and label them.


Tomorrow we will be writing the instructions on how to play so you may want to think about that a little today.

Today we will be investigating the weather in the UK and how this changes across the seasons. Look through the slides below and complete the worksheet.


Today we are going to be looking at writing whale acrostic poems. Please look through the PowerPoint below and use the internet to research whales and create your own acrostic poem about whales.


On a piece of paper can you write down as many of the words as you can remember. Can you add sound buttons? Get your grown up to read them and you write them down to test your robot arm blending and segmenting skills.



Golden Time!

On a Friday afternoon in Year 1 we have GOLDEN TIME!

 Play, be creative, make things, dress up, tell jokes and let your imagination run wild....You are amazing Year 1 and I am proud to be your teacher!smiley

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