Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 9th February



►Good morning and today's timetable

Good morning


►'Safer Internet Day' 2021

Make sure you listen to the little assembly below as a helpful reminder and discuss with your grown-up.

Don't forget at 11am - CBBC and BBC teach - live lesson for primary-aged children.

Year 2 Internet safety assembly for today.Safer Internet Day 2021

What can you trust online? (Film for 5-11 year olds) A short film to promote discussion with your child.

A film aimed at children and young people aged 4- 11 exploring what we can trust on the internet as part of our Safer Internet Day 2021 campaign. Find more about trust and reliability online at #SaferInternetDay #AnInternetWeTrust


►Reading comprehension



Listen to Miss Shepherd's voice message below to so you know what to do today in your maths lesson. Remember there are no sheets today as it is an activity lesson but I would love to see some photos posted on Seesaw.yes

Vocaroo 08 Feb 2021 17_35_39 GMT+0000 16PSHKLNyqGq.mp3

Make sure that you join in with the maths starter.

Maths Starter



Please make sure that you follow the lesson so that you know what you are expected to do.

English Lesson. Input and instructions.

Still image for this video

Click here to see the pictures from the story to help you with your writing today. I recommend that you spend some time retelling this part of the story in first person before you do any writing.



Computing Year 2

Purple Mash Login

Username -     children2

Password -    thythorn



Today you are going to meet Aaron Becker the author and illustrator of our book 'Journey' He is going to show you how to create your own pictures of the balloon and bird from his book.

I suggest that you watch the video all the way through to begin with. It only lasts about 5 minutes. Then get the things that you need and follow the video stopping it when you need to.

I can't wait to see your finished work! Have fun.

Ready Set Draw!



Follow the story with Miss Shepherd

Story time

School Updates

