Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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WEDS 17.3.2021



Good Morning!.mp3



     Explore and share your findings.

Yesterday on the board in class, I saw an organised and 'systematic' table of information compiled with Mrs Muddimer and the pupils in class to organise information - this built onto the recent work completed with Miss Saleem very nicely: properties of a 3D shapes!


Today, I would like you to explore the task below and then arrange your findings in a grid/table of information of your own.

Think about your column heading names, think about your outcomes - the facts you found out. What findings do you need to share?


Counting cubes


      If you are not feeling 100%, drink plenty of fluids and keep hydrated.

      Have a healthy snack.


     Commas for lists


     Commas for lists - click 'slideshow,' click 'start from beginning' and follow the             instructions.

     Write your answers neatly, using carefully formed, joined handwriting!

► Commas for clarity, or hilarity! laugh

Add a comma to one of the sentences to give it a different meaning. What difference does it make to the meaning and the main focus/emphasis in each sentence?

For each sentence, tell me what the meaning is in your own words.


Hurry up and shoot Dad!

Hurry up and shoot Dad!


Inside the dog was barking.

Inside the dog was barking.


The boy said the teacher was noisy.

The boy said the teacher was noisy.


Most of the time travellers take the bus.

Most of the time travellers take the bus.


Now blow up the pipe!

Now blow up the pipe!

Now let's see if you can apply your learning to these sentences:



     Science - Evolution, Adaptation and Inheritance

This afternoon, I would like you to do some research about Charles Darwin.

Who was he? What is he well-known for?

When did he live/die?

What were his main hobbies and interests?


Home learners: can you create a fact file using any form of multimedia you wish?

In-school pupils: I would like you to use a double page spread in your topic book. How can you present your information so that it is eye-catching and draws the reader in, wanting to know more?


Think about maps, folded reveals, pop-ups, layered information, poems, letters, diary excerpts, sketches, 'watercolour' images :)


► Reading

    for 30 minutes.

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