Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 23rd June

Good Morning Year 3 and 4! How are you all? I hope everyone is getting on well this week with learning, I'm so pleased with how hard you are all working - keep it up! 

Here is today's timetable...


CLASS:  3  & 4

Mrs Boyd

WEEK BEGINNING: 22/06/20   Tues  Home Learning SUMMER TERM

8.40 – 9.00

9.00 - 9.30

9.30 – 10.30

10.30 -10.50

10.50 - 12

12– 1

1.00 – 2.50


Maths skills –

times tables


PE – continue with Summer challenge

Maths –

see your own yr gp star


English/topic – developing reading of ‘The Tempest’


 Reading time (15mins)

ART – Tudor portraits

Grammar –homophones catch up


TT rockstars practise

PE - Please complete any more of the Summer Virtual challenge. Remember you choose 1 from each category. 

If you have completed them and submitted, you could choose some more to play just for fun (but don't resubmit!)

ENGLISH today we will continue read 4 pages of THE TEMPEST. 

1. Read the pages carefully and write down any words you want to look up in a dictionary or on GOOGLE. e.g. I would write down 'torment' 

2. Talk through with a grown up what has happened to King Alonso and Antonio. 

3. Imagine you are either King Alonso or Antonio, you have fallen into a waking sleep and are following the cloud.....

4. Write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) describing what you...


READING TIME - spend 15 mins reading quietly please

ART- last week we studied Tudor portraits and sketched our own using pencil. They were fabulous! Look... 

TASKToday you will be adding colour to your drawings. If you prefer to redraw a new sketch portrait that is fine, but today is all about adding colour and depth to the portrait. 

enlightenedYou can use the powerpoint to look at the colour and shading for different Tudor Royals. 

enlightenedTry to use darker and lighter shading to create shape to the face and almost a 3D effect. 

Please remember to send images of your finished work! 



GRAMMARPlease look at the following passage and decide which spelling is correct! 


STORY TIME - Danny and his Dad get ready...

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