Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Good morning Year 5!

I think we've got a really exciting week ahead of us.  This week in Maths we are learning about fractions.  Everything is broken down into small steps, so watch the videos and listen to the input carefully - you can't have a larger 1/2 of a pizza!

In English we have a descriptive writing piece based around your learning on rivers and then a double page spread (which I know you love) about canals. You can be really creative in your presentation.

The afternoons are packed with science experiments and investigations.

Remember to use Seesaw this week to send me your work.  It's really exciting seeing your journals build with your work.  I'm also liking sending you feedback directly to you.  We also have our live 'Learning clinics' starting this week on Zoom.  I will be able to answer questions and provide support during our 3 time slots.

Year 5 – Monday 25th January 2021

Morning starter



20 mins independent reading

Zoom learning clinic – 11am






Mindfulness through yoga.

Mental Maths warm up


What is a fraction?

Narrative writing – journey of a water droplet from source to sea (day 1 – draft)



The incredible adventures of Professor Branestawm


Monday slide

The 3 states of matter.

The link to the zoom 'Learning clinic' has been sent as an announcement on your seesaw account.  Please click on the link in there from 11am this morning.  I will be available for 40minutes to answer any questions.  



Start your day with a some time to clear your mind and spend a moment focussing on you.  Take 3 deep breaths - in for 4, hold for 4, slowly release for 4 (just as we do together in our hall sessions).  When you're ready join the zen den from cosmic kids.  This session is a visualisation time, very similar to our time in school, when we imagine our tree house.  Close your eyes, focus on the calm and reassuring words.




      ► Mental starter

What is a fraction?

Blue challenge - complete up to question 4.

Green challenge - complete all questions.

Purple challenge - complete all questions and continue onto the challenge below.

Mrs Dunford explains fractions




Today you are going to plan a creative writing piece.  You are going to become a droplet of water at the start of the river journey.  You will be writing in the first person (I) as the water droplet and using similes (as something as a or like a) and personification (making something seem real) you will describe each stage of the water's journey.

Please watch the video and listen to an example piece of writing.

The pdf has a planning sheet, personification ideas and a word bank on it for you to use.

My amazing river journey sample of writing

PLEASE watch - Lesson explanation

Please refer to and use this descriptive writing checklist to produce your best work.  Think about the drafting and editing process we would use in class to help you.


Descriptive Writing Checklist



Are capital letters used at the start of each sentence and full stops at the end?



Is there evidence of more sophisticated punctuation e.g. brackets, dashes, semi colons, ellipses?



Is there a range of simple and complex sentences?



Have powerful adjectives been used for effect?



Is the tense consistent?



Have paragraphs been used?



Have conjunctions been used to link paragraphs and ideas?



Is there clear and neat joined handwriting?





The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm (Chapter 1)





Please watch and listen to my lesson input carefully.  There is a lot of information and new vocabulary to understand so you may want to pause the video and discuss things with someone at home as you watch along.


Once you have watched the presentation, complete the worksheet.  You need to draw the particles for each state of matter and then write a sentence to explain their definition.


After that there are some experiments and challenge cards for you to have a go at.  Remember to upload and pictures of videos to Seesaw so I can see what you have done to represent the changes of state.

Mrs Dunford explains the lesson

School Updates

