Thythorn Field Community Primary School

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Tuesday 11.10.21

Morning work:

On a piece of paper please practice your lowercase cursive letters a-z and your numbers 0-20.


Today we are going to be looking at the 'sc' sound blend in our lesson today. Please watch the  video below and join in if you can. After the video, you could go on a hunt around your house for 'sc' blend sound objects.


In English today, we are going to be looking at finding information out about London Beefeaters also known as Yeoman Warders. I would like you to watch the video's below and discuss them with your grown up. We will be writing a fact file about them later this week.

Meet The Tower Of London's Ravenmaster | Forces TV

How to become a Beefeater

Meet the Beefeaters



Today in Maths we are going to be looking at sorting 3D shapes. Please watch the white rose video and complete the worksheet below.

Stick man after lunchtime story


Today in our topic learning we are going to be linking our Geography to our Science learning. We are going to be looking at the weather in the different seasons but link it to the weather in London. Please look through the presentation below and discuss it with your adult.

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